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I’m not an insomniac, I just can’t get to sleep. This seems to be a continuing problem with me, where I don’t get to sleep until somewhere between 3 and 8 in the morning, and then I sleep until somewhere around noon. I don’t know that it’s unhealthy necessarily; I get a full eight-hours. It is, however, extremely annoying; both to me and Amber, who has to deal with me clanking into bed half way (or later) through her own sleep schedule.
I spent the whole weekend trying to get my body clock back on a schedule that coincides with Amber’s, and succeeded, but it didn’t stick.
I avoid playing my explosion games because I don’t want to disturb her, but now my internet is fucking up to the point that I have no idea if this post will even make its way through.
I guess I’ll make another go at getting to bed, but I doubt it’ll do any good.