Walk The Dog - Week 6

Dec 28, 2008 18:54

Sounds: Soft organic instrumentation, Quiet new age music

Positives: A very chillax presentation, seemingly not even with any station IDs to keep things quiet and flowing

Negatives: They didn't take advantage of the XMAS season as early as they should've by putting some really relaxing XMAS tunes on in this format. They did on XMAS Eve and it was very good

Blastability: Not too high! You want to be able to relax

Overall: I've been to this channel before when it was Audio Visions, both for XM Bootcamp, and to catch Musical Starstreams which has a phenominal presentation except for the host's voice which goes through me like that jug of liquid you get before a colonoscopy. I actually like it more NOW than I did, because then it seemed focused on a lot of electronic new agey stuff that can actually get quite hokey at times. Now the channel has a bigger focus on keeping things organic with a lot of real instrumentation and a little bit of synthesizers.

Sounds: 70s and 80s alternative, 80s new wave

Positives: Channel presentation is definitely more punchy than it was when it was Fred, and DJs (British one(s) especially) are far more engaging. This format is not represented in its entirety anywhere on radio, however...

Negatives: ...most of the songs that are now played on this channel can be heard in various different formats on various different stations. The DJs do sometimes have the tendency to babble about nothing having to do with the music but have provided some useful facts too at times. A lot of artist repeats

Blastability: Very high, when you're not hearing a song you've heard millions of times before and are sick of it

Overall: When I was in the mood for this format I did occasionally end up on Fred for a few days at a time. I agreed with most that checked out the channel at the time that they did go way too obscure way too often. However with the merged version of the channel, I'm now finding they've too far reduced their obscure songs and are playing all the ones I could hear on various different FM radio stations and that's not so good!

Coming This Week - Sirius XM VS Slacker Exclusive Holiday Music Battle

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