Sounds: Classic time tested XMAS tunes
Positives: No strange obscure Christmas redo tracks here
Negatives: Classic time tested also means that I've heard these songs billions of times and am sick of them by now :P
# of HO HO HOs: 4 out of 5
Overall: This is still a very well programmed channel
Sounds: All of Bing Crosby's radio XMAS specials
Positives: A piece of history and heritage preserved perfectly. Original XMAS pieces performed by hit musicians and screen actors of the time that don't get any airplay these days
Negatives: The channel jumped around a lot to different years' shows making it difficult to listen to shows within context. Pad data was too long so the exact date of the show was always cut off on the screen
# of HO HO HOs: 4.99 out of 5
Overall: Small issues on an amazing channel! XMAS song's you've never heard before, cute on-stage comedy skits, reports from the Netherlands and some Netherlands Christmas songs, reports from Bing's son with the Army in Austria with some Austrian Christmas songs being sung, even the mic'ed up Crosby kids XMAS gift opening back in the 30s was interesting until it became extremely annoying and I had to turn it off :P
Sounds: Classic time tested XMAS tunes
Positives: Well...there were SUPPOSED to be no strange obscure Christmas redo tracks here
Negatives: However, I found that a lot of contemporary XMAS stuff was coming up on this channel. Unless you think Beach Boys and Carpenters belong on this channel, it's completely missed the mark
# of HO HO HOs: 2 out of 5
Overall: Channel needs a lot of work