Erfan needs to rant

Jan 07, 2009 12:02

I have read the thread in the title way too much:

Dear Rachel,

I know your cats do shitty things sometimes. Sometimes they make you want to scream. I understand that. Why do you think your roommates, including me, have banned them from their respective bedrooms? However, when you throw your tantrum in the main part of the house, I can hear it very well. On the other hand, had you thrown your fit half an hour later, I would have been thanking you rather than going back to sleep.

Dear cats,

Stop pissing your mom off. Also, why did you throw up next to the front door? Maybe you should stop getting into the cupboards and eating our food. If I step in it on accident, you will die. Also, why were you eating it? Ew! Your mouth isn't coming near me for the rest of the day.

Dear phone,

Why didn't you go off this morning? I checked you twice last night to make sure you had the right time set, and to make sure you were turned on. I was late to class because you didn't go off. Sorry, but 1 minute isn't enough time for me to get to class from here, even if I decide to skip getting dressed. I wanted a shower this morning, too. I needed a shower. And you ruined that. So I went to class all oily and stinky.

Dear rain,

I appreciate the sentiment, but it just isn't the same without shampoo. I know, I know, I should have brought some. But it would have been difficult to lather while riding my bike.

Dear wind,

You suck. Why must you blow against me while I'm trying to get to campus? Why can't you save that for when I'm going home when I don't care about getting there as fast as possible? It's difficult enough when I'm jumping on my bike three minutes after getting out of bed, tired and thirsty. You don't have to make it worse.

(11:30) Dear spinach and mushroom pizza,

I love you. I'm sorry we haven't had a meal together in a while, and I think we should fix that. I'll be by to pick you up in about 20 minutes.

(11:50) Dear spinach and mushroom pizza,

I want to eat you RIGHT NOW.

Dear mushrooms on my pizza,

You all look like slugs. But that's okay. I know you'll all be very tasty.

(12:05) Dear spinach and mushroom pizza,


(12:20) Dear spinach and mushroom pizza,

You have totally improved my day.

And now on to the rest of my day. Class from 1-2, class from 2-4, uniform turn in from 4-4:30, rehearsal from 4:30-7:30. Woooooooo :P


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