Half Birthdays and Mom's Weekend

May 05, 2006 11:26

"Guess what? Today's Cinco de Mayo!"
"Is that the 6th of May?
"The 5th of May!"
"I was just kidding."
"Oh, and today is my half birthday."

This exchange witnessed in the SLUG brought up the question: what's a half birthday? My first thought was that she was born once, and then the doctors thought "oh, too early," and shoved her back into the womb. A second thought was that she was born around midnight...literally. As in her head popped out at 11:59:30pm May 5th some year before now and the rest of her came out after midnight on May 6th. It turns out, it's just 6 months after her birthday. How boring. ;P

I had another somewhat amusing thought yesterday. It's Mom's Weekend, I realized. Hundreds of mothers will be on campus this weekend to accompany their offspring students to life during the weekend and various events planned specifically for them. My mom's not visiting me this weekend. Jimmy is.

To-do list this weekend: lab report. bio pre-lab (maybe). media search.

quotes, amusement

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