I woke up from a very strange dream. Only strange because of a conscious realization though. I'll get to that.
The dream started out in a dimly lit room that was small considering what I'm about to describe. There was a game that resembled hockey going on and I was watching it. The only person I recognized was Shuranthae (yet I don't remember how he was protrayed; he wasn't albino). His team was against a difficult, both skill-wise and personality-wise. I noticed that while they didn't have a goalie, the opposite team scored on Shur's team more often, despite Shur's team having a goalie. He eventually convinced me to play on his team, and I found myself standing with my last bo stick (many people had sticks...someone also had a polo stick) in front of the goal, but not the goalie.
A player, whose position was right in front of me facing me, asked me "are you goalie?" I looked at Shur and he told me to just answer the question. I told him no and he asked what I was playing then. I told him defense. He then commented that I shouldn't start crying when he scores on us. Anyway, so the first play started. Even though I said I was defense, I took an offensive role. I ran the puck suprisingly well to the goal but missed on the shot (we were also on foot playing on carpet).
The game somehow expanded into a grocery store, and as soon as I oriented myself as being in a grocery store, I stopped playing. Shur came to check on me once, I saw the puck whiz by and went after it...but then my pursuit turned into a walk through the store. I ended up in the produce section where I found Eddie rearranging vegetables. He didn't work there though, and I asked him what he was doing. I don't remember what he said, but he didn't answer me then.
I have the impression that time passed in some way at that point, and then I was in that produce section with Eddie again. He was rummaging through vegetables again, however this time, Nikki approached him while doing so. He pulled out a box with a gold and ruby piece of jewelery (ring, necklace or earring, I don't remember). I had the feeling that he was proposing, but I don't remember him asking her to marry him.
She realized that the color looked like blood, and that Eddie must be a bad omen because both he and I were wearing red. I informed her that Eddie showed me the jewelery beforehand and I picked that color to kind of match in a way. Eddie eventually convinced her that he did the same thing. We sat on a plain square brown table after that. Eddie told Nikki he loved her. Then he looked at me and said he loved me, too. I returned it with a skeptical look and asked, "are you sure?" I don't remember the answer to that.
We go out to a van and get in. Nikki driving, Eddie in the front passenger seat, and I was on the floor (doing something, again I don't remember what). I worried about getting pulled over and getting Nikki in more trouble by sitting on the floor, so I crept up onto seat and buckled up.
We were driving through an area...cliff on the right, trees and a grassy hill on the left. We suddenly went off the road, and Nikki mentioned something about "them" always doing that. We rode towards a lake, and I had the feeling that both Nikki and Eddie were Ocean Masters. The van hit the lake, now recognizable as Lake Louise, and started skimming across the surface. A gyarodos zoomed by underneath. Anyway, we zoomed up onto the opposite shore and stopped to watch a girl, who backed up her car to the water line. I was suspicious of water pollution. Instead, she dunked those soft nylon balls that I know as "water bombs" into the water to drench them. She slipped them in a plastic bag and drove off. We zoomed off again.
A flash of Farwest.
And apparently I was home...except not. I entered from a door that I connected to the garage in my mind into a brightly lit indoor walk way. The walkway had a square S shape with blinding white walls, and there a sound proof room on each side of the walkway, the barrier between the room and the walkway being completely glass. I saw a small T-rex in the room to the left. It ran out to greet me and I identified it as a pet. I called it Chomper. Land Before Time reference.
I woke up then, and pondered all that happened in that dream. And I remembered that Eddie and Nikki are brother and sister in real life. The realization was that I had hints of an incestual relationship/marriage in my dream. I'm just glad they were only hints and not blatant displays.