Funny Bone [PG-13] [Jack/Juliet]

Feb 07, 2012 13:18

Title: Funny Bone
Characters: Jack, Juliet, David, mention of Christian
Pairing: Jack/Juliet
Rating: PG-13 for mention of lady parts
Spoilers: S6 AU (Jack and Juliet are married).
Summary: Jack and Juliet play with David's birthday present.
A/N: Written for the prompt "game" in
drabblefix. Once again, it got too long, so I'm going to try to write another one that actually is 100 words.


Juliet looks up when the door opens, and Jack comes through carrying a big yellow and blue bag with “happy birthday” written across the front.

“From your parents?” she asks.

“I think it’s safe to say this one is from my father,” he looks at her exasperatedly, drawing out a long box. Operation. Juliet laughs, looks down at David crawling on the floor.

“I’ve heard of starting them young,” she smiles up at Jack, “but this is ridiculous.”


“What do you think?” Jack looks down at David, placing the pliers experimentally into one small hand.

David sticks the pliers into the bread basket and the game lets out a long, loud buzz.

“Yeah,” Jack laughs, “Me too.”


“Ages seven and up,” Juliet reads, placing her wine glass on the table.

Jack smiles, looks up from his book. She raises her eyebrows at him, a competitive glint in her eye.


“How is it that I’m winning?” Juliet snuggles up against him, resting her head on his shoulder as she looks down at the box, “He doesn’t even have a vagina.”

Jack chokes on his wine, laughs as he turns to her, complains,

“He doesn’t have a spine either.”


fan fic, david, juliet, jack, jack/juliet

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