Sandwiches and Hurricanes [PG] [Miles, Charlotte, Daniel]

Jan 25, 2012 20:11

Title: Sandwiches and Hurricanes
Characters: Charlotte, Miles, Daniel
Pairing: none
Rating: PG
Spoilers: "Jughead"
Summary: What if Miles, Charlotte and Daniel had spent a little more time in Richard's tent before he came to fetch them in "Jughead"? Miles gets hungry.
A/N: This was originally for the prompt "chill" in drabblefix, but I just could not get it down to 100 words. I am still working hard on longer Charlotte/Daniel fic, but I'm having some trouble -- this is my training exercise: to write about them until I figure it out.


“I’m going to eat that sandwich,” Miles huffs suddenly, looking at the packet on top of the cooler in the corner of the tent, straining against the ropes that tie them.

“What?” Charlotte barks.

“I’m going to eat that sandwich,” he looks at her as if she’s hard of understanding, “You saw all those guys with guns outside, right? This could be our last meal.”

“Miles,” Daniel torques his usual whisper up a notch, “This is a delicate situation. What we do right now could have ramifications far beyond anything you or I could imagine. If you touch that sandwich, you are going to create hundreds-possibly thousands-of alternate universes, altering the fabric of time-“

“Alright, man,” Miles shrugs, putting it down, “Chill.”

charlotte, fan fic, miles, daniel

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