Fanfic (Master List)

Dec 13, 2010 00:09

(under construction)

3x3=3 [Shannon/Boone/Jack; Daniel/Miles/Charlotte; Boone/Claire/Shannon] [NC-17]
Collected fics written for an OT3 meme: 1. Triangulation: Shannon gets jealous at Boone's attempts at flirting, 2. An Open Door: Miles goes both ways. 3. Truth and Innocence: Claire becomes the peanut butter.

Accumulation [Jack/Juliet] [R]
Juliet and Jack reconcile in the AU, with appearances from David + Claire (S6 AU; spoilers for "Lighthouse"). This is one of the first Lost fics  I ever wrote, and definitely not my best -- be warned!
Part One
Part Two

Bachelor Number Two [Charlotte/Daniel] [PG]
After the concert, Charlotte considers a hypothetical date with Daniel.

Bang (Whimper) [Jack/Juliet] [R/NC-17]
Jack and Juliet blow up the island together (S5 finale AU; spoilers for S6).

Cheesy [Jack/Juliet] [PG]
Jack tries to surprise Juliet on Valentines' Day (S6 show AU; spoilers for S6)

Collected Short Fics [Charlotte/Daniel, Jack/Juliet, Miles] [PG-13/Light R]
Series of short fics I did for various memes, collected in one place for convenience (S4 & S5 AUs; spoilers for S4 & 5)

Collected Short Fics II [Jack/Juliet, Kate/Sawyer, Miles, Claire] [PG-R]
Four short fics I wrote for the Lost Day Meme (Flashback AU, S4 AUs; spoilers to S5)

Collected Short Fics III [Jack/Juliet, Claire/Kate, Charlotte/Daniel] [PG-PG-13]
Three short fics I did for the Fandom Love Mini Ficathon (show AU; spoilers to S6)

Funny Bone [Jack/Juliet] [PG-13]
Jack and Juliet play with David's birthday present (S6 AU; Jack and Juliet are married.)

In Pieces [Jack/Juliet] [PG]
When the war is over, Jack looks in on his other life (S6 AU + speculation; spoilers for "Lighthouse").

Sandwiches and Hurricanes [Miles, Charlotte, Daniel] [PG]
Drabble: What if Miles, Charlotte and Daniel had spent a little more time in Richard's tent before he came to fetch them in "Jughead"? Miles gets hungry. (slight; AU; spoilers for "Jughead")

Shells [Juliet, Ben, Rachel] [PG]
Two vignettes - Juliet thinks about Rachel and Ben (Gen. Juliet fic; spoilers for S3 + 4)

Following (Series) [Jack/Juliet] [Charlotte/Daniel] [R/NC-17] [WIP]
Jack and Juliet pursue a relationship post-4x06 ("The Other Woman") and the fate of the island changes as a result of the choices they make (S4; spoilers for plot elements of S5)
Part One - Juliet and Jack get closer.
Part Two - Charlotte and Daniel have a plan.
Part Three - Jack and Juliet exchange confessions.
Part Four - Juliet convinces Jack not to wait. [NC-17]
Part Five - Jack and Juliet track down Charlotte and Daniel.
Part Six - Juliet has to make a life-or-death decision.
Part Seven - Jack reopens old wounds. Jack, Charlotte and Daniel face an unexpected challenge.
Part Eight - Charlotte explains about the island.
Part Nine - Above ground, Jack dreams.
Part Ten - Juliet forgives Jack. [NC-17]
Part Eleven - Juliet's fantasy. [NC-17]
Part Twelve - Daniel explains the plan.
Part Thirteen - Juliet reflects on the island.
Part Fourteen - Juliet tells Jack about her past.
Part Fifteen - Daniel, Charlotte, Juliet and Jack get taken by surprise.
Part Sixteen - Juliet and Jack encounter a familiar face in the Temple.
Part Seventeen - Juliet and Jack get separated.
Part Eighteen - Jack is tested.
Part Nineteen - Jack learns something about his father.
Part Twenty - Juliet explains what she did.
Part Twenty-One - Jack encounters two people in the jungle.
Part Twenty-Two - Charlotte and Jack search for Juliet.
Part Twenty-Three - Charlotte and Jack find Juliet.
Part Twenty-Four - Someone follows Jack.
Part Twenty-Five - Jack plays doctor [R].
Part Twenty-Six -  Juliet distracts Jack [NC-17].
Part Twenty-Seven - Jack and Juliet make some confessions. Jack has another dream.

"Jumping Jack" (Series) [Jack/Juliet] [Charlotte/Daniel] [Miles] [PG-PG-13]
Jack jumps from the helicopter, Charlotte lives, Juliet gets pregnant, and they all leave during the 1970s. Fics listed in chronological order.

Hangover [Jack, Juliet] [PG]
AU Vignette: After Jack jumps, he finds out that Christian and Juliet have something in common (slight Jack/Juliet, spoilers for S4 and 5)

This Place [Jack, Charlotte] [PG]
AU Vignette: Jack stays on the island; Charlotte lives (Slight Jack/Juliet, spoilers for S4 and 5)

Last Words [Miles, Jack] [PG-13]
AU vignette: Jack asks Miles for a favor. (no pairings, spoilers for S4 and 5)

Window [Jack/Juliet, Charlotte/Daniel, Miles, Claire, Christian] [PG-13]
AU long fic: After some difficulties in their respective relationships, Charlotte and Juliet decide to host a drinking contest. Meanwhile, Miles deals with a request from a particularly persistent ghost.

Straight Line [Jack, Charlotte, Claire, Juliet] [PG-13]
On the submarine home, Jack has doubts about their decision to leave the island.
Part One [Jack, Charlotte]
Part Two [Jack, Claire]
Part Three [Jack, Juliet]

fan fic, fanfic master list

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