Accumulation [Juliet/Jack] [R] [Part 2]

Apr 14, 2010 20:11

Title: Accumulation [Part 2 of 2]
Characters: Juliet, Jack, David, Claire & Aaron
Pairing: Juliet/Jack
Rating: R (Ooh, I'm so proud of myself!)
Spoilers: Season 6
A/N:  In equation form, S6 + AU + total fluff + porn = I don't know what the hell has gotten into me. But I wanted to write a piece in which neither Desmond the born-again 'shipper nor Suliet-flavored coffee ruins the Jack and Juliet show I'm watching in my head. Please be warned that this is the first time I have ever written a proper sex scene and I am probably wretched at it.  It's slightly!awkward!sex, but that's the only kind of sex I can imagine Jack having for some reason. For those who've read my "workshop fic #2," part one is the same as that; part two contains the new stuff (with Claire added!). I literally could not stop writing this thing until I finished it: it was that addictive.


“Jack, you’re cut-” Juliet had said as she’d gestured toward him across the mostly empty boxes of takeout on her dining room table. He had looked down in confusion, drawn out of his pleasant, post-meal stupor by the blood soaking visibly through his collar.

“Oh, that,” he’d answered, a little startled by red stain despite himself, “It’s no big deal. I got it a couple of weeks ago on the plane-I don’t know how. Every time I think it’s finally closed, it opens up again.”

She’d insisted on taking him up to the bathroom to clean it up anyway. At first he had brushed off her concern, but he hadn’t been able to resist her soft “please” when she moved closer, touching him, taking hold of his sleeve.

Now, he stood next to the large white sink in Juliet’s bedroom, holding his breath and watching her lean over him in the big, round mirror. In the glass, they looked like different people, people who were familiar with each other, comfortable. Watching their counterparts absorbed Jack until the sensation of her gentle hands tickling his skin pulled him back to the Juliet in front of him.

She was taping a small gauze pad to his collarbone, her face so close to his that he could feel her breath against his cheek. Her closeness made the image in the mirror pale in his peripheral vision.  He forgot about it, surfaced suddenly into the moment.

“There,” she whispered, as if to punctuate the change, her precise, careful fingers smoothing  the adhesive against his skin. She looked up into his eyes then, and smiled at whatever she saw in his.

“Thanks,” he held her gaze, fascinated by what he couldn’t name in it. It was okay now, he thought. That was what the soft look in her eyes was telling him as his hand came up to cover hers. It was as if somehow suddenly they’d come upon a moment that had been untouched by time, the past restored to them now in the soft light of Juliet’s bathroom. The air around them felt charged as he leaned down toward her.

Jack felt out of breath even before he touched his mouth to hers, before his arms circled her waist. As he kissed her, he wondered whether when she had taken him up to the bathroom, she had been planning for this to happen all along. Juliet was always like that for him: he never knew what she had in her head, and most of the time it seemed like she knew everything beforehand.

Now he touched her as he’d wanted to ever since she’d opened the front door, since he’d wanted to for weeks before that, years. She didn’t stop him, but pulled him by his collar, sucking encouragingly on his bottom lip. When he felt her unbuttoning the rest of his shirt, he decided that he didn’t mind letting her lead; he didn’t mind her knowing all these things before he did-he had time now to catch up.

Her hand was on his stomach, trailing along his abdomen, and as she passed over the scar from his appendectomy, he shuddered violently, aroused and strangely chilled at once.

“Are you ok?” she asked, breaking their kiss.

“Yeah,” he said, coloring a little, embarrassed by how much her touch was affecting him already, “It’s just-um-it’s just kind of been awhile.”

“Don’t worry,” she smiled, and nuzzled his jaw, causing a pleasant shock to shoot down his spine, “I promise I’ll be gentle.”

It didn’t matter that he was too tongue-tied to tease her back. When he kissed her again, hard, she laughed and pulled him to the bedroom as though he’d just made her the cleverest answer in the world.


“Are you okay?” His voice was unsteady as he buried his face in Juliet’s shoulder, the aching tightness of her body around him making it difficult to speak.

“Yeah,” she said over his shoulder, the breathless sound only arousing him more, “Just give me a second.” It was all he had been able do to keep from coming as he brought her off with his fingers, and now, inside her, his arms were trembling at her sides and he felt like he was balanced on the edge of something precarious.

Then he felt her run her hand over one of his pectoral muscles gently, and she said suddenly, “I miss your chest hair.”

He smiled at her, distracted by the non-sequitur, but then she let out a soft sigh, and her muscles flexed around him and he couldn’t help gasping as she squeezed him.

“Ok,” she murmured in his ear, “I’m okay now.”

He began moving, slowly at first, the pleasure forcing him to shut his eyes, bite his lip.

“Is this okay?” he panted, hoping it felt at least half as good for her as it did for him. Her body was warm and slick and perfect around him. Her breasts rubbed against his chest smoothly, different from the way it had been so long ago-they were both sweating, but he pressed close to her anyway.

“Better than okay,” she assured him, bucking her hips against his, and pulling him down for a kiss.

He kissed her deeply, sloppily, his tongue in her mouth trying to mimic the movement of his cock inside her. Then she turned the kiss around, making him open up for her as he pushed in again. He couldn’t help but groan in response.

“God, Juliet,” he breathed, trying, but failing to make his movements less frantic, “You feel so good. I-uh, I don’t think I’m going to last very long. I-”

“It’s okay,” he could feel her fingers moving through the hair at the back of his neck, unable to tell whether she meant to soothe him or turn him on. “Just let go, Jack,” she whispered, and her hand was moving down his spine and around to his navel; he lost track of where her hands were but felt her touching him as his consciousness started to splinter.

He slid in and out of her, touching her long legs where they were wrapped around him, looking down at her face and neck, which were flushed and shining with sweat. She was watching him through lidded, cloudy eyes and he decided he couldn’t keep looking at her like this without saying something he shouldn’t.

So he shut his eyes again as he felt himself getting closer and closer; their mouths met, their tongues, clumsily. She sucked his tongue and pulled him near as he thrust into her.  Then he was blind, senseless as he came inside her, the pleasure passing through his body like a wave, leaving him nearly unconscious in its wake.

When he came to, he was lying atop her, trembling. She was humming softly, her hand caressing his upper arm.

“Am I crushing you? Sorry,” he offered, moving slightly away from her body.  He was surprised when her grip on her arm got tighter, holding him in place.

“No,” she said quickly, and then winced when he shifted slightly, “Well-maybe a little. Just move over a bit.”

But by the time he had, she was moving him onto his back anyway, pressing herself tightly against his side. He ran his hand lazily over her shoulders, her breasts and stomach, trying to remember the way she’d looked the last time they’d been together, years ago, but his memories of her were hopelessly overlaid with his new impressions, the feeling of her skin under his hands so soft that he couldn’t imagine her any differently from the way she was now.

She mewed gently against his neck, and he took it as a sign of encouragement, touching her ass and reaching up to her back-

She jumped when he touched the base of her spine.

“Hey-are you okay?” He asked, confused by her reaction.

She looked up at him, meeting his eyes for the first time since he’d come. He felt reassured by the warmth of her smile.

“Yeah-I don’t know why I did that. It felt sensitive back there all of a sudden-maybe I hurt myself at work.”

He looked at her back, careful not to touch her where he had before.

“It isn’t bruised,” he told her, craning his neck. She brushed his arm away, put a hand on his chest and used it to push him back down on the bed.

“I thought said you were taking time off from the hospital,” she joked, leaving her hand over his heart. He grinned helplessly at the ceiling as she kissed him behind his ear. “It’s probably just from sitting in the lab all day. All work and no play isn’t any better for Juliet than it is for Jack, you know.”

“Then I guess this is something we both need,” he tried to say lightly, but realized how serious it sounded when she drew away to look at him, biting her lip, her eyes scanning his face.

“Yeah,” she released a breath audibly after a long moment, her eyes sparkling, “I guess it is.”


He woke up in the middle of the night, terrified, his heart racing, unable to remember why he was afraid. He carried only the sensation of the dream with him, the collected weight of it resting, knot-like, in his stomach.

“Jack?” Juliet was standing in the doorframe in a t-shirt, a glass of water in her hands. “Are you alright?” For a minute, she looked like a ghost standing there, unreal, until he remembered what had happened and where he was.

“Uh-yeah, I’m-” he sat up and ran his fingers through his hair, “Just a dream,” he turned his head to look at her as she moved into the room, taking a sip of water on her way.

“Sounded more like a nightmare to me,” she set the glass on the table and moved to sit down next to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “You said you’ve been having trouble sleeping, right? Is this why?”

“Sometimes. Sometimes I just can’t sleep,” he explained, reassured by the warmth of her skin against his. When she lay back down, pulling at his arm, he went with her, letting her curl up against him, rub his back.

“I remember when I used to do this for David,” she mused quietly over his shoulder, her hand moving gently over his spine.

“Are you trying to call me a baby?” he laughed softly, taking one of her hands in his and drawing it to his chest.

“Well, you do cry a lot,” he could feel her smile against his neck, and all he could do was snort ruefully. Then he turned over in the dark, wanting to see her face. She looked disheveled even in the low light from the window, her lips slightly swollen, her hair mussed, her eyes dilated with just a hint of blue around the edges. She was beautiful, but she looked fragile, like glass, and he reached out to touch her just to assure himself that he could.

He put his arms around her waist, and drew them up under the t-shirt, pulling it up and up until she had to raise her hands to help him pull it over her head. She looked at him curiously as he tossed the t-shirt aside, watching him watch her lying there, almost naked. He put his hands on her waist again, running them up and down her sides, and he could feel her breathing change as he skimmed her breasts. Looking her over once more, he gathered her to him, holding her against his chest.

“I missed you,” he confessed quietly into her ear, and then, before she could respond, he pressed her against the mattress and kissed her deeply. Though it took her a moment to react, when she did, she kissed him back just as thoroughly, turning them over and pushing him onto his back. They made love that way, with her on top, and he didn’t stop touching her until they both came, breathing heatedly in the dark.

When they finally stopped, she told him she was cold, but didn’t put her t-shirt back on. Instead, he lifted the covers for her and curled up with her underneath them, surrounding her with his body.  He felt the goosebumps disappear on her arms slowly, tried to count them even as they were disappearing, and then fell into a dark well of dreamless sleep.

He didn’t let her go, even when he hit bottom.


“Shh!” Claire whispered from her perch on the sofa, holding the baby close to her chest.

Jack paused in the doorframe, unable to see the child’s face from where he stood. He shut the door carefully anyway, toeing off his shoes before he crossed the room to speak to his sister.

“Is he asleep?” he asked quietly, peering over the blankets.

“No, it’s not him: it’s your mum,” Claire explained, “He was up half the night and she insisted on taking care of him so I could get some rest. So when I got up this morning I told her to take a nap. She must be exhausted.” As she leaned forward, Jack could see the baby’s eyes blink up at him, quiet and blue. He was playing with Claire’s hair, grabbing and pulling hard until she wrestled it away from him, and then finding new strands to replace those that she’d taken away.

“Ow. God, Aaron, that hurts.”

“Well, I think I’m going to take a shower, if you don’t need anything,” he looked at her inquiringly.

“Hey-no way! Not so fast!” She was perched on the edge of her seat, her face as inquisitive as the baby’s, “How was it?”


“You know! I mean, obviously, it was good, right, ‘cause you’re back now and headed for the shower, but did she-”

“Claire!” His face felt hot,  “I can’t discuss this with you. You’re my sister.”

“I can’t believe you’re blushing already, when all I was going to ask was how she-”


“Are we even related?”

“Sometimes I wonder,” he answered dryly, looking her up and down as if she were an alien. She did look a little like one, her big eyes in her big head on top of her tiny body. He contemplated giving her the nickname now, but decided to save it for later, when she was actually irritating him. At the moment he couldn’t imagine being in a bad mood again.

“Hey, can you take the baby for a minute? I need to run to the loo,” she asked, and before he knew it, she had thrust Aaron into his arms and was halfway down the stairs. The baby stared at him gormlessly, drooling against his shirt, and he stared back, the corners of his mouth turning gently up as he thought about a time when David had looked like this and Juliet had held him out for Jack to hold for the first time.

He felt serene holding the baby now, feeling the weight of years slip away from him, time suddenly unimportant.  When Claire returned, smiling mischievously at him, he smiled back even though he knew what was coming.

“Alright-I give in. Just tell me this: did she make you happy?”

He handed the baby back to her and grinned.

“Yeah: she did.”


fan fic, juliet, aaron, jack, claire, jack/juliet

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