Apr 25, 2010 23:25
Might as well post an update, huh.
I began work at one of the elementary schools near my junior high school. I go every Thursday, and I teach 3-6 grades. Well, technically I teach 5th years for three weeks, and and 6th years for three weeks, and I cycle through 3 and 4 within those six weeks. Confused yet?
But they are soooooo cute ohmygosh. They are so very very genki, and my voice hurts every day and I'm completely exhausted, but it's so fun. Technically 5th and 6th years have a textbook, but there's no writing, no worksheets, no tests. Just 英語で遊ぼう.
In Golden Week news, I'm gonna be in Taiwan come Thursday, and I get back Sunday night. So I'm definitely looking forward to that. My bank account hates me, though. ;_;
Really though, nothing much happens. I come home and lounge around, or I hang out with some friends. OH. I have decided that, to help my JLPT studies (minus 70 days and counting ohgosh) that I'ma gonna try my hand at translating. I've picked out Rinne as a manga to work on--just gotta scan in the pages and such. We'll see how that turns out.
i love my kids,