(no subject)

Apr 27, 2010 16:53

I had a great keitai email exchange during work today!

Steph: Knock knock!!
Me: Who's there? :3
Steph: Doctor.
Me: Doctor Who? >.>
Steph: Great idea!! 6pm!?

And then later, in reply to something Greg said about messages.

Steph: From friends or spam? OR spamfriends, AKA: Friends you just haven't met yet!? <3
Greg: Friends. No Ood involvement whatsoever.
Me: The Ood are always involved. Always.
Steph: Indeed. You can sense them, through the whispers of the trees, through a half finished plate of spagetti... They are timeless.

<3 them.

friends, random, doctor who, life

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