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Comments 90

genovese_roche September 1 2009, 11:13:55 UTC
Rorschach positioned himself against a wall, folding his arms across his chest after having to escort a few Gryffindor First Years thrust at him by a Prefect before she ran off. He was on his way to encounter Belladonna, and the unfortunate business of having to take care of the childrens' safety irritated him like no other.

"Hmn." Rotting, filthy castle.


ultra_heroine September 1 2009, 11:29:03 UTC
To her intense displeasure, Haruhi had been unable to slip unnoticed off the back of the group of Gryffindors she'd been travelling with and had wound up in the Great Hall.
Trust the teachers to keep the excitement to themselves. Haruhi was determined to see for herself what was going on and NOT be left out of whatever went on. She was definitely clever enough not to get into any trouble with that insane ghost woman, so there was no way that was a problem.

She was currently lingering at the back of a group of third years who were convientiently near one of the side doors. The teacher in charge of that door was busy trying to calm down a girl in hysterics, and Haruhi was sure that she could sidle up to the door unnoticed- it wasn't even as though there wasn't enough drama going on that anyone would be paying any attention anyway.

She leisurely strolled over to the door, looking as nonchalant as she could. Hopefully it wouldn't be locked.


incendio_octa September 1 2009, 18:46:37 UTC
Right. So the teachers were running around in this chaos, trying to keep level heads. He understood that, but just where were the ones that should be watching the doors?

He wondered if Haruhi would have been noticed by anyone had he not just waltzed in by a nearby entrance. They probably wouldn't have in this mad house.

"Trying to break out are you?" He asked, loud enough that just maybe a nearby staff member would take notice. He promised he wouldn't do anything stupid today--might as well play up the part and keep other people from doing idiotic things too.


whoaismyhairout September 1 2009, 15:48:51 UTC
Hades sighed, jutting out his lower lip and rolling his eyes as he walked around the exits. He wasn't exactly in a pleasant mood, having been told to stay in the Great Hall and babysit a bunch of sniveling, snotty brats.

His mood darkened even further when he saw Rorschach standing off to the side. Hades scowled, "Great. Just great. You do your job well, work hard, and you're rewarded with a crateload of monkeys and Mr. Happy."


tipofagunblade September 1 2009, 11:30:50 UTC
Seifer could feel so many emotions swelling in his chest at once. Again, he managed to corral the Slytherin students, young and old, in order to get them into the Great Hall as fast as they could. All he had to do was inform each bedroom that Ghost Widow was alive. It was more than enough when he followed each statement with a reloading of Hyperion. He managed to reload it completely by the time he visited each room. Still, he was more proud he could lead the charge as he funneled in the Slytherins to the Great Hall and then stood by its doors, waiting for a professor so he could advance through the halls for anyone else ( ... )


maestoso_tempo September 1 2009, 20:00:41 UTC
This was one of the rare times when the Head of Slytherin was without his trademark smirk. He looked completely serious as he moved around the hall, checking on Slytherin students in particular. He noted which ones were missing but knew he wouldn't be able to make a formal tally until he got a scroll together with the list.

Luxord noticed Seifer right away, standing at the door and looking as stern as ever. The young man never failed to impress Luxord with his ability to handle situations like these. He was always leveled headed it seemed, but even this situation seemed to be trying the young man. Luxord made his way over.

"Mr. Almasy, report please," Luxord requested, wondering what news the Prefect had.


tipofagunblade September 1 2009, 22:22:30 UTC
Seifer had managed to clear his head of any more melodrama by the time Luxord surprised with him with the Head of House's request. He turned to him and said in a low but confident voice, "Almost all present and accounted for, Professor." It was on the word professor that his voice let out the tiniest crack, the slightest hint of his weakness and vulnerability. He coughed afterwards, and began again, "Almost everybody I know of is here and unharmed. I believe Jaina came and then went, assuming she had some type of permission to leave. However, I believe she may have went out on her own...volition." That dumbass better not get hurt.


maestoso_tempo September 2 2009, 02:20:37 UTC
Luxord noted the crack but said nothing about it. The professor might not have been showing it, but he was just as worried about his colleagues and students. He had to hope that they lucked out and didn't encounter Belladonna on their way. He was lucky enough not to. He didn't want to imagine what that woman would do to him.

"Almost...well that's better than nothing. I've seen a few faces as well, but I'll feel much better once we have an official head count," Luxord looked back at the packed Great Hall. He knew some people were trapped in the library and others were still on their way. He had no way of knowing who was where though.

He paused when Seifer mentioned Jaina, quirking an eyebrow. "Miss Solo?" Luxord resisted the urge to rub at the bridge of his nose, this event was certainly going to drive him to go fetch the alcohol before too long. "Did any of the others see her leave?" He had to wonder if he was going to have to risk the encounter with Belladonna to go collect Slytherins from the hall.


brightfive September 1 2009, 11:36:07 UTC
Whoever had decided to make Hikaru a Prefect was insane. INSANE. The only reason he was able to drag a few of the younger years into the Great Hall was exactly that- he literally pulled them there. Otherwise, he... well... had a difficult time getting people to take him seriously.

Once he was safely in the Great Hall, however, he looked around. He didn't see Akira anywhere. What if he'd been in the library? Hikaru bit his lip. He wouldn't be surprised. But they weren't letting people back out, and even if he did get out, he didn't know where the library was anyway, so it didn't really matter.

Hikaru huffed and leaned against the wall. This was boring.


pinkhaori September 16 2009, 00:03:26 UTC
Shunsui walked into the Great Hall, sill amazed at by the feeling of his feet thumping against the solid floor with each step. He'd done nothing but float for the past couple hundred years, so walking had taken a bit of time to get used to. It was a good thing no one had seen his attempt to walk through a wall this morning. Shunsui rubbed his nose gingerly at the thought, wincing slightly at the pain. It was refreshing, to be able to feel something again, even if it was an unpleasant feeling ( ... )


brightfive September 24 2009, 07:57:05 UTC
Hikaru had been lost in his own thoughts and not paying attention, so Shunsui's greeting surprised him. It also hadn't actually occurred to him that ALL of them were corporeal, not just Ghost Widow, and so he stared at the man for several long beats without realizing who he was.

"Yeah, I'm Hikaru, who're you?"


pinkhaori September 26 2009, 03:48:35 UTC
"Oh, how you wound me!" Shunsui proclaimed dramatically, one hand on his chest. "A student of my own House, not recognizing his ghost!"

He stood next to Hikaru, leaning against the wall in a similar manner, and looked up at the ceiling. "Though it's understandable. My charm and attractiveness have greatly increased since the spell began."

Shunsui glanced at the boy for a moment. "Speaking of my charm and attractiveness, have you happened to see Nana-- Professor Ise?"


boredwithlies September 1 2009, 15:42:46 UTC
Kyon arrived being herded like some really large sheep or something. He grumbled a bit, it was going to be terribly boring. He wondered why they were being escorted there, but then realized that was just Haruhi rubbing off on him.

Speaking of, she was there already and he glanced away. Maybe she wouldn't notice him. Maybe.


ultra_heroine September 2 2009, 01:58:14 UTC
Stories were filtering in now, from around the castle, that people had been hurt in the library or fighting against Ghost Widow. Haruhi decided to drop her original idea of sneaking out the the Great Hall - she probably would have just been useless anyway.

She 'hmph'd to herself at that thought. Haruhi hated being useless. She wandered through the crowd, dragging her feet and wondering what she'd do now-

And through the crowd she spotted a familiar looking head.
"Kyon! Where have you been hiding!" she demanded. Haruhi was more relieved to see him than she cared to admit, but at least he was here and not out being beaten up by some crazy ghost woman.


sakeofthescoop September 2 2009, 02:10:23 UTC
Kazumi was busy collecting those rumors, trying to piece together the actual story from the facts she had. She was also looking for people like Catty and Harry...both of whom had a penchant for getting caught up in things like this. She sighed when she didn't find either of them, "Gryffindors."

Shaking her head, Kazumi pulled out her notebook and started writing out some things she had picked up.

1) The Library had exploded and students/staff may be injured inside
2) The Great Hall is being barricaded against Belladonna aka Ghost Widow
3) The reason for this was because the ghosts were now corporal and could do magic.

Kazumi chewed on the end of her quill in thought, it wasn't a lot...and there had to be more going on in the halls than this. However, Kazumi was stuck here, unable to investigate further.

She looked up when she heard some voices next to her, noting especially Haruhi. Haruhi was good with information, she would certainly have picked up something. "Hey guys. This is some crazy stuff going on, huh?"


boredwithlies September 2 2009, 02:25:13 UTC
"Seems like it." Kyon murmured and looked at Haruhi. "I wasn't hiding I was right here. Where else would I be?" He'd been forced to go there after all, he wasn't pleased.


catcrossedpath September 1 2009, 19:07:08 UTC
The headmaster's announcement had brought about a sudden change in Kakashi, one that had likely been noted by every student in the Hufflepuff dorms and common room when he had swept in and begun barking orders, his voice that of a man who had led others to battle, and to their deaths. He'd booked no complaints, his manner utterly different from the easygoing teacher they were used to.

Once the Hufflepuffs had been organized into groups, he led them through the halls, systematically sweeping the classrooms and hallways for any students who'd been outside when it happened.

Once the group had arrived, he'd set the older students to work putting up protective Charms around the Great Hall and looking after the younger ones. While he didn't expect the student's charms to work against a ghost, it gave them something to do, let them feel useful, and therefore kept them from wandering off to play hero. Currently he was standing by the main door, using his artificial left eye to keep a watch on the hallway through the main door to the Great


catgot_urtongue September 2 2009, 10:20:56 UTC
Yoruichi slunk into the Great Hall easily. It was so convenient being in her cat form. Plus it provided an excellent cover for sneaking up on people. Or simply observing from a distance. She'd been wandering the corridors for a while, not intending to become involved in the chaos that was ensuing unless she absolutely had to. Admittedly, she found it concerning that that old Ghost Hag woman was corporeal. Yoruichi certainly didn't fancy running into the 300 year old pureblood supremacist with a god-complex anytime soon. Of course, she could take her if she wanted. Of course. But that would require fighting. For now, she’d let the other staff handle it.

Thus the Great Hall was her next port of call - perhaps she'd run into Byakushi or someone interesting. Then she spotted Kakashi, that Hufflepuff Professor, looking more serious than usual. Surprising. But a purrperfect opportunity for entertainment. On her four legs she sauntered over to him and rubbed against his legs, drawing his attention to her. She started purring immediately ( ... )


catcrossedpath September 2 2009, 23:03:19 UTC
Kakashi noted the black cat approaching without even shifting his gaze. While students familiar with his crazy excuses probably expected him to attach himself to the ceiling to avoid the small animal, but in truth Kakashi had no problems with black cats that didn't cross his path.

Besides, something told him this little kitty was not exactly your average feline.

Smiling slightly under his mask, Kakashi knelt to the floor, his enchanted eye never leaving the front door while his other eye caught the cat's golden gaze. His hand reached out and found that special spot behind the ears that kitties tended to love. "Well now, how did such an adorable little kitten get all the way in here?" he asked, voice faintly tinted with amusement, even if his body remained tense.

Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto, and so many other students were still in danger, and he was still stuck here. It ate at him.


catgot_urtongue September 8 2009, 08:09:02 UTC
"Oh, I have my ways..." she murmured slyly, her voice much deeper than usual - a side effect of her own spell that enabled her to talk - she sounded like a man. But it certainly added another aura of mystery to things. Or more, assisted her in a treasured past time - messing with people.

Somehow though, this one struck her as different. Call it a feeling in her whiskers. He was not your average professor. Though not many here were, Kakashi especially didn’t seem to miss a thing. She wondered idly for a moment if he’d already figured out her true identity.


Not that it mattered. She'd be impressed, even.

Yoruichi thought he seemed strained, something seemed to be distracting him. "Something bothering you?" she purred, nuzzling his hand. The man really knew how to please a cat.


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