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catcrossedpath September 1 2009, 19:07:08 UTC
The headmaster's announcement had brought about a sudden change in Kakashi, one that had likely been noted by every student in the Hufflepuff dorms and common room when he had swept in and begun barking orders, his voice that of a man who had led others to battle, and to their deaths. He'd booked no complaints, his manner utterly different from the easygoing teacher they were used to.

Once the Hufflepuffs had been organized into groups, he led them through the halls, systematically sweeping the classrooms and hallways for any students who'd been outside when it happened.

Once the group had arrived, he'd set the older students to work putting up protective Charms around the Great Hall and looking after the younger ones. While he didn't expect the student's charms to work against a ghost, it gave them something to do, let them feel useful, and therefore kept them from wandering off to play hero. Currently he was standing by the main door, using his artificial left eye to keep a watch on the hallway through the main door to the Great


catgot_urtongue September 2 2009, 10:20:56 UTC
Yoruichi slunk into the Great Hall easily. It was so convenient being in her cat form. Plus it provided an excellent cover for sneaking up on people. Or simply observing from a distance. She'd been wandering the corridors for a while, not intending to become involved in the chaos that was ensuing unless she absolutely had to. Admittedly, she found it concerning that that old Ghost Hag woman was corporeal. Yoruichi certainly didn't fancy running into the 300 year old pureblood supremacist with a god-complex anytime soon. Of course, she could take her if she wanted. Of course. But that would require fighting. For now, she’d let the other staff handle it.

Thus the Great Hall was her next port of call - perhaps she'd run into Byakushi or someone interesting. Then she spotted Kakashi, that Hufflepuff Professor, looking more serious than usual. Surprising. But a purrperfect opportunity for entertainment. On her four legs she sauntered over to him and rubbed against his legs, drawing his attention to her. She started purring immediately ( ... )


catcrossedpath September 2 2009, 23:03:19 UTC
Kakashi noted the black cat approaching without even shifting his gaze. While students familiar with his crazy excuses probably expected him to attach himself to the ceiling to avoid the small animal, but in truth Kakashi had no problems with black cats that didn't cross his path.

Besides, something told him this little kitty was not exactly your average feline.

Smiling slightly under his mask, Kakashi knelt to the floor, his enchanted eye never leaving the front door while his other eye caught the cat's golden gaze. His hand reached out and found that special spot behind the ears that kitties tended to love. "Well now, how did such an adorable little kitten get all the way in here?" he asked, voice faintly tinted with amusement, even if his body remained tense.

Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto, and so many other students were still in danger, and he was still stuck here. It ate at him.


catgot_urtongue September 8 2009, 08:09:02 UTC
"Oh, I have my ways..." she murmured slyly, her voice much deeper than usual - a side effect of her own spell that enabled her to talk - she sounded like a man. But it certainly added another aura of mystery to things. Or more, assisted her in a treasured past time - messing with people.

Somehow though, this one struck her as different. Call it a feeling in her whiskers. He was not your average professor. Though not many here were, Kakashi especially didn’t seem to miss a thing. She wondered idly for a moment if he’d already figured out her true identity.


Not that it mattered. She'd be impressed, even.

Yoruichi thought he seemed strained, something seemed to be distracting him. "Something bothering you?" she purred, nuzzling his hand. The man really knew how to please a cat.


catcrossedpath September 8 2009, 12:11:30 UTC
Figured out was a bit strong of a statement, but Kakashi did have his suspicions. The fact was that he'd read extensive files, both official and unofficial, on the staff of Hogwarts when he'd accepted the position here, and while none of those files had information on any Animagi that could turn into a black cat, he'd read enough psychological profiles to guess who would be capable of it, willing to keep it a secret, and desiring to assume the form in a time like this ( ... )


faultywhenwet September 8 2009, 23:31:22 UTC
Roy had already taken charge of his share of the defences, drawing up a massive array around the students at the back of the Hall, and more than a dozen smaller ones, some to be triggered by him and others that could be set off by Belladonna herself.

He raised an eyebrow at the sight of Hatake talking to a black cat. Considering the situation, that would have been an odd picture in itself. The fact that the cat was talking back only made it stranger. Or would have, at least, if he didn't know the identity of the only cat Animagus in Hogwarts at that time. Being Deputy Auror certainly had it's perks, although if truth be told, anyone with an interest could gain access to the Animagus records.

"It's a fitting form for you, Shihouin," he noted, walking over. "Choosing simply to observe today, are we?" He was well aware of the woman's reputation.


sorry for the late i fail >.< catgot_urtongue September 15 2009, 07:33:28 UTC
It wasn't like her Animagi status was a secret. She would have kept it much better if it was. Besides, she'd had to register herself at the ministry which she couldn't have gotten out of even with her prestigious heritage. She’d tried. She just liked to keep everyone on their toes. Call it education, Yoru-chan style. Or something. Hm... yes, she liked that…Yoruichi rolled her eyes, but let him scratch her chin. "So it should be, I'm one of a kind." At his next words Yoruichi's expression changed to match Kakashi's tone. "Seems you have a problem then," she remarked gruffly, any trace of amusement gone from her voice. Even Yoruichi could be serious when the time called for it. She was going to add more, but was interrupted by a smug remark that could only come from one overly confident Auror ( ... )


Re: sorry for the late i fail >.< catcrossedpath September 25 2009, 03:10:46 UTC
Well, that was one theory confirmed. Kakashi was rather proud he'd figured it out without using her records. Where was the fun in that?

"You are indeed," he assured the feline, before glancing up at Roy. Like with Yoruichi, Kakashi knew that Roy had his secrets, though he supposed the most obvious ones were also the ones they cared the least about protecting. Not that Kakashi planned to dig too deep, that would violate professional courtesy.

"Why hello there Professor Mustang, I'm glad to have you with us in such a crises," Kakashi replied, his tone light despite the circumstances. Fingers returning to behind Yoruichi's ears he nodded to the cat's suggestion. "Have we any updates about the status of Belladonna or the missing students?" This time his voice was all business.


faultywhenwet September 27 2009, 10:31:23 UTC
Roy rolled his eyes as the cat-woman started to knead at his knee. "I always knew there was a reason I preferred dogs," he said airily, bracing himself for possible retaliation. He smirked at the 'fantastic brain' line. "Just like a cat to get someone else to do her dirty work for her."

He turned to Kakashi when the other man spoke, nodding in greeting and becoming more sombre in response to his business-like tone. "No updates on Belladonna as of yet. All the students making it to the Great Hall are the ones who have been lucky enough not to run into her." He checked the several spells and charms on his person to make sure that no students were within listening range before adding to that. "Neither one of my subordinates have reported in either."

If there was a faint hint of tightness to his voice at that last, Roy passed it over. Maes and Hawkeye were capable, but they were no match for Belladonnna on their own. Havoc, at least, was in the Library (although injured, unsurprisingly enough).


catgot_urtongue October 2 2009, 11:49:23 UTC
Damn. One option scratched off the list. But there were always other means of mental torture entertainment observation ( ... )


catcrossedpath October 7 2009, 00:31:52 UTC
"There are still a fair number of students missing as well," Kakashi replied, his voice deadly serious for once. "Is the Great Hall secure?"

Kakashi was a bit taken off guard by the vehemence of Yoruichi's reaction when she clearly anticipated their intent. Of course, she also likely didn't know much about his own past. His training from the time he had been old enough to hold a wand had been meant for one purpose, to make him as efficient a killer as possible. While alone he might not be a match for Belladonna, with someone of Roy's caliber they would have a chance.

Eye smiling he said,"Now now Yoruichi-san, there's no need to be worried about us. Remember, god watches over children and fools." Suddenly his expression became serious again. "That's good of you to stay. If something goes wrong, we have to hold the line here."


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