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brightfive September 1 2009, 11:36:07 UTC
Whoever had decided to make Hikaru a Prefect was insane. INSANE. The only reason he was able to drag a few of the younger years into the Great Hall was exactly that- he literally pulled them there. Otherwise, he... well... had a difficult time getting people to take him seriously.

Once he was safely in the Great Hall, however, he looked around. He didn't see Akira anywhere. What if he'd been in the library? Hikaru bit his lip. He wouldn't be surprised. But they weren't letting people back out, and even if he did get out, he didn't know where the library was anyway, so it didn't really matter.

Hikaru huffed and leaned against the wall. This was boring.


pinkhaori September 16 2009, 00:03:26 UTC
Shunsui walked into the Great Hall, sill amazed at by the feeling of his feet thumping against the solid floor with each step. He'd done nothing but float for the past couple hundred years, so walking had taken a bit of time to get used to. It was a good thing no one had seen his attempt to walk through a wall this morning. Shunsui rubbed his nose gingerly at the thought, wincing slightly at the pain. It was refreshing, to be able to feel something again, even if it was an unpleasant feeling ( ... )


brightfive September 24 2009, 07:57:05 UTC
Hikaru had been lost in his own thoughts and not paying attention, so Shunsui's greeting surprised him. It also hadn't actually occurred to him that ALL of them were corporeal, not just Ghost Widow, and so he stared at the man for several long beats without realizing who he was.

"Yeah, I'm Hikaru, who're you?"


pinkhaori September 26 2009, 03:48:35 UTC
"Oh, how you wound me!" Shunsui proclaimed dramatically, one hand on his chest. "A student of my own House, not recognizing his ghost!"

He stood next to Hikaru, leaning against the wall in a similar manner, and looked up at the ceiling. "Though it's understandable. My charm and attractiveness have greatly increased since the spell began."

Shunsui glanced at the boy for a moment. "Speaking of my charm and attractiveness, have you happened to see Nana-- Professor Ise?"


brightfive October 1 2009, 06:25:27 UTC
"Oh! Shunsui!" Hikaru exclaimed. He grinned. The ghosts at Hogwarts had unnerved him at first, but he'd long grown used to them. "I thought it was just Belladonna that was... you know. Alive. Sort of. I didn't even think about the rest of you guys. So is it cool, being alive again?"

He blinked at the question. "Um. No. Was I supposed to?"


pinkhaori October 6 2009, 03:59:26 UTC
At the mention of the Slytherin ghost, Shunsui's expression briefly became serious. "Ah... unfortunately we have all found ourselves corporeal for the time being." He smiled at the boy and adjusted his hat. "I tried to walk through a wall this morning," he said, and reached up to rub his nose. "It's still sore." He shrugged. "It was nice to be able to have some sake after all this time, but I'm afraid our Slytherin friend has decided to ruin the fun."

Shunsui waved off Hikaru's question. "No, no. I just wondered. I worry about my Nanao-chan, after all."


brightfive October 10 2009, 18:02:32 UTC
"Wonder how long that's going to last," he thought out loud. "It's kinda too bad that you're a not a ghost now, though. If you were you could float into the library and see if Touya's in there."

When Hikaru realized what he'd said, because it always seemed to be after the fact, he turned rather pink. "Um, nevermind. That's stupid anyway."

Akira was fine, he told himself. Except, you know, that it was Akira, so probably not. Hikaru frowned at himself. "Stupid Touya," he muttered.


pinkhaori October 12 2009, 08:58:38 UTC
Shunsui shrugged his shoulders. "You can never tell with these things," he said. "I would gladly do so, if I were able." His thoughts turned to Nanao once more. Where was she? If she did not come through the doors of the Great Hall soon, he would have to contact her through the journals. Possibly even go fetch her. Such a frustrating woman. But then, he always had liked his women to pose a challenge.

Caught in his thoughts, he almost missed Hikaru's blush. But not quite. Ah, so there was something there, then. "It is never stupid to wonder about the state of one's friends," he said, laying a gentle hand on the boy's shoulder. "He is a Ravenclaw, isn't he? I doubt he's stupid, then. Ravenclaws rarely are," he said, his thoughts turning to Nanao once more.


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