Apr 03, 2007 16:05
Disappointment rang clear in the words she left unspoken, a sadness so deep in those chocolate eyes, they's make you wish you were better, wish you were different. I suppose there isn't much you can do to change the way people see you. One moment in your life can change the way you are treated, and can expose you to the harm no one would ever imagine. Mistakes are what people would rather see, instead of forgiveness. I suppose either way, I'm stuck in a place I don't really wish to be stuck in. Disappointment from ever corner. I have people wondering why I lie so much, maybe I don't want them asking questions, maybe I don't want them to realize that no matter what I do, there isn't anything that seems to make me feel any better. I read and watch the Dresden Files, breath Buffy the Vampire Slayer and sleep Blood Ties, I eat Anita Blake.
I hide in the realm of science fiction, and feel safe in a car with music blaring and my laptop riding shot gun.