Dec 28, 2005 23:58
Question of the year:
How do you tell if someone is the one? Movies, books, and practically all media portrays the fact that there is one and only one person for everyone out there, and time and time again, no matter how twisted the story gets, no matter how many signs there are that the pair shouldn’t be together, “true love” always conquers all doubts and obstacles. Sure, it’s easy to picture your life with a Disney princess ending, but is that really how it’s supposed to go? Are we to be waiting around our entire lives for our Prince Charming to sweep us off our feet to a castle in the sky? Is that how you know someone is the one you’re supposed to spend the rest of your life with?
I don’t think so. But how are you supposed to tell? Everyone I’ve asked just shrugs their shoulders and says “You’re just supposed to know.” Well, enough indecisiveness, I want answers. What? Why? How? When? Was it the instant you laid eyes on them? Was it the first time you kissed? I don’t believe in love at first sight, dating back to a traumatic experience in 8th grade that Jessi and Somie might still remember. Besides, aren’t you being a little judgmental if you see someone and instantly think “Oh yeah, he/she over there in the fuzzy purple parka, that is the person of my dreams.” I mean, you could see zillions of people every day that you could spend the rest of your life with. It’s possible of course, for you to be with someone who isn’t the one and have a perfectly fine life. It may be boring, it may be eventless, but you could do it. And if you do take that path of safety, knowing that you could be with someone you could tolerate and have a fine life with, but you don’t ever get the chance to see what could have been, or what could be, is your chance gone forever? Is there a certain point of no return? And when do you have to make that decision? After what period of time do you gain this precious untangible knowledge of the direction that your life is supposed to take?
See what happens to me when I type numbers into a computer all day?