"Scarlet and Gold" by bitterfig-- Greek Mythology, Medea/Jason

Jun 08, 2009 07:24

Author: Bitterfig
Title: Scarlet and Gold
Fandom: Greek Mythology
Pairing: Medea/Jason
Summary: After Medea killed her brother, she claimed Jason as her own.
Beta Reader: Fedink
Word Count: 481
Rating: R
Warning: Blood play, D/s, sexuality.
Author’s Note: Written for the prompt-- June 8- Greek Mythology, Medea/Jason: female domination - "I have bought thee with my love."

Scarlet and Gold

She came to him decorated with her brother Absyrtus’s blood.

“Leave us,” she told his men. Jason was their Captain and they were sworn to obey him alone yet to a man they did as she said. No one could deny that at that moment Medea ruled over them all. She glowed with the terrible radiance of her transgressions; her slight form seemed to hold within it all the power of a great horse. With the sacrificial knife she had used to slay Absyrtus still in her hand she was a golden unicorn with a red and twisted horn. She was fearsome as she was beautiful as Jason knelt before her.

She ran her blood-stained hands over his face, marking him, and laughed the terrible laugh of a woman who has crossed over into the realms of madness. “You are mine now,” she said. “I have bought thee with my love.” If she was mad, then he was too. He licked her palms and fingers as they trailed across his mouth, tasting the blood. It was hot and sticky, over rich with copper and salt, it sickened him. He vomited on the deck of his ship and nuzzled against her gore-streaked legs.

“Weak thing,” she taunted. “Do you lack the stomach for my crimes? The crimes I committed in your name, for love of you? Bring me wine. No. Don’t rise. On your knees. Always on your knees.”

He did as she said; bringing her a flagon of wine he bowed before her low, he kissed her feet. She peeled away the blood-sodden gown she had worn to meet her brother. Beneath the cloth of gold her pale shoulders, breasts and belly were stained crimson. She slashed wine upon the red, it melted and flowed downward.

“Drink my wine,” she said. “Share my crimes, lover.” He did. He drank the bloody wine from the hollow of her belly, from the cleft between her thighs. She opened her legs to him, still pouring out the wine till he was licking wine and blood from the cup of her and she was moaning, hands clenching his hair, holding him to her. “This is my issue,” she said. “These are my flowers, my moon blood. This is the blood that will make our children.”

He shivered. He dreamed of a happy future untouched by the things they had done today yet she would build their lives on sins and crimes. He feared her but she thrilled him. He might shiver but he did not stop pleasuring her, and when she pushed him back onto the boards and mounted him in a way no man should consent to let a woman use him he did not object because he was lost in her frightful power, consumed by her love of scarlet and gold, a love beyond sanity which knew no limits, no restraints.

bitterfig, greek mythology

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