Insatiable (Transformers, Galvatron/Rodimus/Cyclonus(/Scourge), NC-17)

Jun 08, 2009 04:42

Title: Insatiable
Author/Artist: raisedbymoogles
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Sex with multiple partners, mild crack
Word Count: 1016
Summary: Galvatron's got an overclocked sex drive. (Rodimus and Cyclonus aren't exactly complaining about this.)
Prompt: Transformers, Galvatron/Cyclonus, Galvatron/Rodimus and Galvatron/Rodimus/Cyclonus: "It takes two of them to keep up with Galvatron. Sometimes even that isn't enough."

Galvatron roared through his second overload of the night, arching his back until his struts creaked under the strain. Sparks danced around his helm, signs of the plasma damage that heightened both his joy and his rage to levels no normal being could bear. Galvatron could bear it, for he was mighty; yet as the tremors of aftershock chased through his body, he lowered both himself and his lover to the berth in a barely-controlled collapse.

Rodimus Prime found himself nearly crushed by Galvatron's weight and couldn't bring himself to care. It was just one more hurt in a long, medically-worrying catalogue of aches and rents and other damage, none severe enough to lay low the bearer of the Matrix as two overloads from Galvatron had done. Rodimus buried his face in his warlord's shoulder, shaking, and moaned when Galvatron languidly caressed his abused spoiler.

"No more," he begged. "Give me a chance to recover."

Galvatron snorted in his audial. "Worn out already, Prime?"

"And you're not?" Rodimus muttered back. "You're unbelievable, you know that?"

"You have me in your arms, and you call me unbelievable?" Galvatron sat up, gazing down aggressively-fondly at his Prime. Rodimus squirmed, the weight shift taking some strain off his chest and back but doing nothing for his hips. "And I have you," the Decepticon purred, dragging his fingers down Rodimus's chest, "and you wonder why I refuse to be sated."

"Hedonist," Rodimus teased, taking Galvatron's hand; when the warlord's optics flashed in interest, Rodimus added, "No, really. Give me a chance to self-repair before you break me for real."

Galvatron frowned and might have snapped, but the door chimed before he could speak. "Enter," he rapped out instead.

"My lord." Cyclonus inclined his head as he entered his commander's quarters. "I am reporting as ordered." He looked up and paused, taking in the scene, and his lip quirked ever so slightly.

"Go ahead and laugh," Rodimus grumbled, reclaiming his lower body as Galvatron stood to greet his second. "I'd like to see you wear him out."

Cyclonus spared a moment between kisses to quirk an optic ridge at the Prime. "I assure you," he purred, "that when you fall short, I am more than willing to pick up the slack."


Rodimus couldn't keep his optics off them, even when they shoved him to the edge of the berth to give themselves more room. They fit so well together, like darkness and starlight, that it brought him peace to watch. Peace and some measure of arousal: his circuits were warming in him by the time Galvatron and Cyclonus reached climax in tandem.

Cyclonus collapsed back on the berth with a huff, and received a sympathetic pat on the wing from Rodimus. "I told him he was a hedonist," the Prime offered.

"My lord is... rather frisky tonight," Cyclonus panted, tilting his wing into Rodimus's hand without thinking.

Galvatron let out a bark of laughter. "If you can't handle it, Cyclonus-!"

Cyclonus struggled to a sitting position. "Mighty Galvatron, there is nothing you can do to me that I cannot handle!" It was bravely spoken, and might have had some impact if he hadn't needed Rodimus to keep him from falling backwards again.

"I think my self-repair's fixed me up enough," the Prime murmured in his audial. "I could go another round."

Cyclonus growled. "You had better not be implying that I can't go another round, Autobot."

Rodimus grinned. " 'Course not. I know you. I was just thinking, you know, maybe if we worked together..."

"...We might finally wear him out?"

Galvatron crossed his arms, only half-pretending to be annoyed. "If you two are finished with your little conference...!"

"Strategy meeting," Rodimus corrected. "Charge!"

Galvatron had little time to react before Cyclonus and Rodimus tackled him at once, nearly sending all three off the berth.


"Oh, Primus."

Cyclonus lacked the energy to give Rodimus an arch look, even if Galvatron hadn't been collapsed between them. "Are you happy, Prime?"

Rodimus's voice was weak and cracking with static, but no less impassioned for that. "Yes. So happy I may not move for a week."

"Hnh." Cyclonus allowed himself a smile and shifted closer under the unmoving warmth of his lord. "...So am I," he admitted quietly. "That was..."

"Amazing?" Rodimus offered. "Processor-blowing? World-shaking?"

"Just another day with Galvatron," Cyclonus answered, and this time it was Rodimus's turn to smile, though it faded as quickly as it came. "What is it?" Cyclonus asked.

"Well... I was wondering." Rodimus stroked Galvatron's arm idly, lowering his gaze from Cyclonus. "Did you... like it when Galvatron had us... you know. Doing those things together for him?"

"I am my lord's," Cyclonus replied. "If he wishes me to pleasure another for his benefit, or another to pleasure me - who am I to protest?"

Rodimus groaned. "You're ducking the question."

"And you are far too easy to tease, Autobot." Cyclonus allowed his amusement to show, just to watch that guilty hope bloom in the Chosen's optics again. "I would not be adverse," he added in a purr, "to practicing our performance. In case Galvatron requires it of us again, of course."

"Of course," Rodimus repeated, but he was laughing. "Not right away though. I don't have any heat sinks left."

"Mmm. I too could stand to visit medical."

A laugh vibrated through them both, but neither Cyclonus nor Rodimus was the source. Rodimus gulped and Cyclonus purred in spite of himself as Galvatron rose over them, still sparking with energy and lust.

"If my toys are broken, I'll find another," he teased, gripping them by wing and spoiler. Cyclonus and Rodimus moaned in tandem, grasping each other; they only untensed by degrees when Galvatron climbed off them and exited the room.

From down the hall, they could still hear the echo of their warlord's voice. "Oh, Sco-ourge..."

"Primus, he's insatiable!" Rodimus groaned, flopping back with his arm across his forehead. Cyclonus grunted agreement and thought about moving to find energon or a repair kit, but it just seemed like too much bother at the moment.

raisedbymoogles, transformers

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