Patience and Practice (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Jason/Billy, R)

Jun 08, 2009 04:35

Title: Patience and Practice
Author/Artist: raisedbymoogles
Rating: R
Warnings: making out
Word Count: 790
Summary: Jason helps Billy find his daring.
Prompt: Power Rangers, Jason/Billy: adrenaline rush, loss of control, tongue fetish; "That went well."

"No, like this." Infinitely patient as always, Jason nudged Billy's legs apart a fraction. He glanced up, watching Billy's flushed face and bitten lip, and fought down a rush of warmth that threatened to invade his calm. "There, see? You've got it in you. You've done this before."

"No, the Blue Ranger has done this before," Billy corrected, less patient. "Without that power, I'm as clumsy as I always was." He moved over the park's unmowed grass into the next step of the beginner's kata before Jason could protest his words, brow furrowed in concentration behind his glasses. "I know it is theoretically possible," he mused as he moved, "for me to learn the basic forms, even if I have no talent for it. It just -" a high block - "takes -" a punch, straight forward - "practice." Billy turned, whiffing the air hesitantly in a roundhouse kick, and wobbled when Jason caught his foot.

"You're treating this like a chemistry problem," Jason scolded lightly, failing to hide a grin as Billy halfheartedly tugged his leg back. "Don't think with your brain - you get all caught up in it and that's when you mess up. Think with your body." He flowed through a few moves of his own to demonstrate, easy and smooth as water.

Billy sighed wistfully. "I'll never be that good."

Jason paused mid-punch and eyed him critically. "Maybe," he said slowly, "we should try something different. You trust me?"

Confused but unhesitating, Billy answered, "Yes, of course."

"Good." Jason took a stance; at a meaningful look, Billy warily copied it. "Billy versus Jason, match one," Jason announced. "Hajime!"

"What? Wait-" Billy ducked what he was sure - what he hoped - was a slow punch from the bigger youth, stepped back and dodged again. "Jason, I don't think-"

"That's the point," Jason interrupted, dead serious. "Don't think. Pretend I'm a putty if it helps."

That made Billy laugh, despite the imminent danger of having a dedicated martial artist coming after him, no matter how gentle he knew Jason to be. "You-" he gasped out, sidestepping, "are much too-" a high block- "attractive-" and a low block- "to be a putty!"

Jason shifted his weight and Billy's weeks of practice took over, thrusting him close in a low kick that was the next move in his beginner's kata. What it lacked in force, it made up for in perfect placement - Jason's leg tangled with Billy's and he toppled forward with a yelp of real surprise. Billy's battle trance evaporated as Jason fell on him and sent them both crashing to the ground.

"Did you just call me attractive?" Jason demanded once he'd got his breath back.

"Um." Billy looked away, embarrassed. "It's possible I'm not thinking."

Jason laughed. "You're learning." Then, because their noses were almost touching and Billy was blushing and his blood was still high, Jason leaned in and kissed him.

It occurred to him, mid-kiss, that Billy might not be of a similar sexual persuasion, but when he tried to pull away Billy whined a protest and gripped his shirt. Jason hummed a wordless apology and kissed him again, teasing Billy's lower lip with his tongue. Billy's lips parted, sweet and perfect, and Jason tremored above him as their tongues touched.

It was perfect - the cool grass cushioning them both, the sun warming Jason's skin as Billy hiked his shirt up to touch underneath. Jason thought he should kiss elsewhere on Billy's body (wasn't that how it worked?), but he was fascinated by the quest and curl of Billy's tongue against his own, and couldn't bring himself to move away. For his part, Billy let his hands roam down Jason's back and under his waistband, and knew he would be hard-pressed to let go.

It was the thrust of Billy's fingers past his waistband, farther than anyone had ever gone, that brought Jason back to himself a little. "Ah, man," he groaned into Billy's mouth, and broke away. "Listen," he said, "how far do you want to go? I don't have any - condoms or anything, so we can't... but if you wanted to, I mean... Other things?" he offered lamely.

At the end of his patience, Billy reached up and wrapped a hand around the back of Jason's head. "Now who's cogitating to excess," he murmured, and tugged the other boy close to lick just under his earlobe. Jason shuddered; his tenuous self-control was gone again, and there was only warmth and grass-scent and the sweetness of Billy's tongue.

They did not explore Jason's nebulous 'other things' that day; somehow kissing was enough, and as Jason didn't mind taking it slow, Billy didn't mind practicing until he got everything right.

raisedbymoogles, power rangers

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