We start of with some cleaning witch knocking on a door and being growled at. Why there would be cleaning ladies in such a small inn, never mind a witch doing that, I’ll never know. Can’t they just use magic and be done with?
Anyway, Harry comes out of his room and sees Scabbers and Crookshanks running along. This sets up the sub-plot between Hermione and Ron that, well, is all of two sentences long and has no point whatsoever. Unless you count making Ron look like an ass and Hermione like a snotty bitch. It’s not like Crookshanks will do anything in this movie except sit around, looking fuzzy and cute, which makes me wonder why they even bothered.
Ron and Hermione greet Harry with Hermione having a huge pause before saying “Harry.” Why was that, did she forget his name in the few weeks she didn’t see him. I can just hear her thoughts during that scene “Oh, there is that guy, oh crap, what’s his name again? Harvey? Barry? Oh, right, it’s Harry.” Ron starts telling Harry about the Weasleys’ trip to Egypt, but is interrupted by the twins to tell us that Ron has told everyone and their dog about the trip. Guess since they cut out the ‘Sirius almost attacks Ron with a knife’ scene they had to get Ron’s bragging in there somewhere. Heaven forbid we forgot any of Ron’s personal flaws, which cannot be swept under the carpet like Hermione’s or Harry’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Weasley appear and Molly starts treating Harry as if he is five years old. I’m surprised she didn’t ask him if he packed enough clean underwear or have him blow his nose in her handkerchief. Arthur takes Harry to the side where we see the ‘OMG, so crazy’ poster of Sirius. He then tells Harry that Sirius worked for Voldemort and is dangerous and…
Oh my God, is that Percy in the background, getting tea from the floating kettle? And I thought the ‘I’m Head Boy’ scene was his only one.
Ahem, back to the story, shall we? Arthur tells Harry that Sirius Black will be after him and wants him to promise not to got after Black. Instead of doing so, Harry asks (which was in every trailer back then): “Why would I go looking for someone, who wants to kill me?” Because you’re a fucking moron, Harry.