Spock, Kirk, McCoy, and Uhura?: How the movie changes the traditional trinity of TOS

Jun 09, 2009 21:03

Spock, Kirk, McCoy.   The three Amigos.  BFF's.  The orginal bromances.  Or as I like to call them, the holy trinity of Star Trek. They were the formula for the friendships that were formed among later casts in the franchise and any person, even if they aren't fans of the series or movies can name them and their roles in the show.

If the three ( Read more... )

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Comments 20

yahtzee63 June 10 2009, 02:03:47 UTC
I think it's still a triad structure, but there are two triads. Originally Kirk was the only lead, with Spock and McCoy as his two confidantes; now Spock is a co-lead, and he will have his own two confidantes, Kirk and Uhura. Each of them will have one person who accepts them as they are and is an empathetic listener (Uhura for Spock, McCoy for Kirk) and one person who challenges them to change (each other). At least, I hope this is how it will develop, and it makes the potential of McCoy and Uhura's friendship very interesting.


poetics124 June 10 2009, 02:30:40 UTC
McCoy and Uhura should have had a scene together discussing Jim and Spock. It would have been epic. Maybe next time. lol

Which reminds me of how for all the complaints about Uhura having nothing to do after she makes the translations, I don't think McCoy had any real big moments other than injecting Kirk with a hypospray multiple times to get him on the ship. I not even sure if he's in the final scene actually.

Well, at least they have that in common. lol


angryzen June 10 2009, 02:59:50 UTC
I too am looking forward to scenes of Uhura and McCoy interacting.


recumbentgoat June 10 2009, 03:30:07 UTC
yeah i agree w/ your take on mccoy. though we did get a glimpse of him in the final scene when Kirk tells him to buckle up.


alessiana June 10 2009, 02:26:35 UTC
Spock as co-lead changes everything. I don't know how it will turn out but it's going to be very interesting. I can't wait till the next one and we have a long way to go!



dreago June 10 2009, 02:56:22 UTC
I'm going to be annoyingly shrinky about this but in your example:
Kirk was the center of this trinity. He weighed the arguments of heart and head within himself to pick the right choice in order to save the day.

Wouldn't this make Kirk more of the Ego and less of the Id? The ego has to continuously choose between the demands of the pleasure (feelings) driven Id and the demands of the rational, good for society Superego.

I was never good at Ego Pscyhology and personally my practice is more systems theory based than anything, but I think I have my definitions right....


dreago June 10 2009, 03:05:17 UTC
Oops, cut off.

Therefore, I think we might still have a bit of a triad. After all, despite the fact that the Ego is the self which is trying to balance out the other forces, the Ego itself can appear to be very Id-like. It develops all sorts of mechanisms to cope with all kinds of emotional and intellectual pressures in order to function and feel good. Kirk, as the Captain, is going to be continuously choosing between logic, what's good for the many and emotion, what's good for me. Most of the time Spock will be all about the Superego. The Superego can be quite the bully too and can be harsh, even violent with the Ego. Of course, now I'm wondering who the Id is and I am back to the beginning and now I've changed my mind.


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poetics124 June 10 2009, 03:18:21 UTC
I wouldn't necessarily agree with this. I think that Uhura has a connection to Kirk, but it is not the same as her relationship with Spock. I would say that Uhura has more of a relationship with Kirk that is not just of a sexual conquest and that there is a connection there, although not as strong as it is with Spock ( ... )


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poetics124 June 10 2009, 03:46:04 UTC
But at the same time the entire movie is moving off of the premise of fate. If these people don't meet, relate to each other, and work as a team, the entire world (literally) will implode. The whole movie is based on coincident. Kirk coincidently meets McCoy on a shuttle in Iowa and becomes friends with him, which in turn leads him onto the Enterprise to save Earth. Chekov, a seventeen year old wiz kid, so happens to know how to save Sulu and Kirk from death but not Amanda. Scotty just happens to be on a planet where Spock crash lands Kirk and is the key to getting them out of the blackhole that is created by the red matter. Spock Prime just happens to be in the cave that Kirk stumbles into and gives him the key to get Spock unfocused ( ... )


madeelly June 10 2009, 03:26:02 UTC
I don't exactly agree. =/ I mean, I don't think that Spock's character and his role has changed that much (if at all) from the original series. The only that has changed are the circumstances. This Spock has gone through changes in minutes that took Spock Prime years to go through. This, I think, is due to the destruction of his homeworld. Spock will always be Spock, I just feel that the alternate reality has made him grow more quickly than originally. Spock has always been a major character, if not the major character. Yes, Kirk is the captain of the Enterprise, which does bestow a certain gravitas on his character that Spock does not have. But Spock is the one that everyone remembers and/or loves; he certainly has more episodes about him as a developing character than Kirk does. It's always been Kirk AND Spock, and I don't think that's changed ( ... )


poetics124 June 10 2009, 04:15:59 UTC
"Uhura's role has definitely increased, and she means a lot to Spock in the new movie (and, perhaps, in TOS). But I feel like she isn't one of the triad because not only is her impact not as significant, it is nonexistent for McCoy and shows very little for Kirk ( ... )


how the movie changes the trad trinity of TOS cavecanis June 10 2009, 04:51:08 UTC
I saw the movie for the fifth time yesterday and came away with a revelation I had missed before. With the altered time line (Vulcan destroyed, Amanda killed, etc) the whole set up for TOS and the movies and shows that followed are no longer valid. In essence JJ Abrams has deleted the canon from the point of the time line alteration forward. It's all up for grabs now, an alternative universe just as Uhura points out. We have no idea who will turn up where with whom or for how long.

Buckle up is right!

Cave Canis


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