Spock, Kirk, McCoy, and Uhura?: How the movie changes the traditional trinity of TOS

Jun 09, 2009 21:03

Spock, Kirk, McCoy.   The three Amigos.  BFF's.  The orginal bromances.  Or as I like to call them, the holy trinity of Star Trek. They were the formula for the friendships that were formed among later casts in the franchise and any person, even if they aren't fans of the series or movies can name them and their roles in the show.

If the three ( Read more... )

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poetics124 June 10 2009, 03:18:21 UTC
I wouldn't necessarily agree with this. I think that Uhura has a connection to Kirk, but it is not the same as her relationship with Spock. I would say that Uhura has more of a relationship with Kirk that is not just of a sexual conquest and that there is a connection there, although not as strong as it is with Spock ( ... )


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poetics124 June 10 2009, 03:46:04 UTC
But at the same time the entire movie is moving off of the premise of fate. If these people don't meet, relate to each other, and work as a team, the entire world (literally) will implode. The whole movie is based on coincident. Kirk coincidently meets McCoy on a shuttle in Iowa and becomes friends with him, which in turn leads him onto the Enterprise to save Earth. Chekov, a seventeen year old wiz kid, so happens to know how to save Sulu and Kirk from death but not Amanda. Scotty just happens to be on a planet where Spock crash lands Kirk and is the key to getting them out of the blackhole that is created by the red matter. Spock Prime just happens to be in the cave that Kirk stumbles into and gives him the key to get Spock unfocused ( ... )


poetics124 June 10 2009, 03:48:15 UTC
I'm sorry for the state of my post. lol


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poetics124 June 10 2009, 04:30:09 UTC
But I still think, despite my liking of shapes, that those relationship are still important in terms of what they are, but not all those relationships are the same ( ... )


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poetics124 June 10 2009, 04:58:03 UTC
I think what I was trying to argue, and probably didn't convey very well, was that in terms of Trek, those three characters and their relationships are a core dynamic in what makes Trek, well, Trek. But all of the characters are important as they are all family.

But what Uhura is in this incarnation is not the same as it was in the last incarnation due to both the fact that it was in the 60s and because of racism. Because of the change in the universe she had become a bigger influence in the family and changes the dynamics of the all male Spock, Kirk, Mckoy friendship. And I think it might be change for the better and enhance aspects of all the characters in the long run in ways that TOS could never explore.

I hope they go in that direction.


samsom June 10 2009, 05:08:20 UTC
Oh, and if Sulu hadn't forgotten to take the parking brake off before going into warp, the Enterprise would have been with the other ships when they dropped out of warp and right into Nero's line of fire.

Sulu's misstep saved the Enterprise and enabled Kirk the time he needed to piece together the message Uhura happened to catch in her spare time....

Dear Lord, that's quite the string of coincidences, isn't it?? LOL


taraljc June 30 2009, 20:26:14 UTC
In order for this Triad to become a Super Square, there need to be lines connecting all four corners

See, I think that the relationship between Uhura and McCoy is there--because they are presented in parallel, and are unique to AOS, versus TOS. In TOS, Kirk attended the Academy at a completely different time in his life, and became friends with Bones later. In TOS, Spock and Uhura presumably never met while she was at the Academy as Spock was serving as Pike's science officer aboard Enterprise in 2255 ( ... )


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