Returning Outsider POV

Feb 03, 2022 22:34

Hi all,

In the mood for a certain type of fic! Sam/Dean pairing is preferred but Gen is also fine. Basically, I love the idea of an outsider POV, but someone who has met the boys before and sees them again after quite some time. Think Sam's old Stanford friends, or a civilian/victim from an old case. I like the idea of these outsiders being shocked at the changes in the boys' characters (general weariness, increased codependency, "Wow they're still road tripping?" sort of thing). If the pairing is Sam/Dean, I don't need any explicit reactions to an obvious relationship, but perhaps the outsider noticing their closeness or something like that.

Any recommendations welcome!

stanford, genre: gen - no pairing, genre: pre-series, pairing: dean/sam, genre: casefic, point of view: outsider

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