Prompt-and-Fill session #9 -- Get Away

Jun 05, 2011 22:16

Hello, and welcome back to roundtable's monthly prompt-and-fill! Writing pants on!

Each month, we are happy to pay homage to the brilliant creative devise in fandom known as the commentfic meme. Here, will throw down a theme designed to span both SPN & RPF genres. We will then ask you, the participant, to prompt your fellow writers & artists with ideas, au tropes, lines of song/verse, a line of dialogue, word banks, some scene you are dying to read, etc.

After you've prompted, fill someone else's prompt! The idea is to stretch your mind as far as you need; to feel free to respond with any idea at all. It's a way to jog your creativity, to keep its action clicking in some small way.

Responses are completely open, so think wide broad and deep: a sentence, drabble, paragraph, 5k, fanmix, vid, painting, photo edit, macro, manip, icon set, stick figure comic, ms paint drawing, dialogue exchange, haiku, limerick, etc. would not be out of place here!

Previous challenges:
#1: Truth & Lies
#2: 'Tis the Season
#3: On Our Way Home
#4: Happily Ever After
#5: Hangin' Around
#6: Open Line: Please Connect
#7: Opposite Day
#8: First Times

Session #9: "Get Away."">" title="prompt and fill" width=400 height=200>

promote on your flist, and get others to join in!

The spring-to-summer transition can be one of the antsiest times of the year, for some: warm weather hits and we are ready to hit the road, disappear, get lost somewhere. It is too nice out to be stuck in the grind. So, let's talk about getting away!

Could be a vacation, or a narrow escape. Could be planned or unplanned, or both -- someone loves it and the other just wants to LEAVE, can't forget those real world issues.

A get-away could be as simple as a media break [uh, JENSEN TEARING JARED AWAY FROM HIS NEW TWITTER ACCOUNT?], or a break from social/friend/family responsibilities. Could be as big as Castiel cutting out his grace to "take a break" from being an angel.

Whatever the case, this is about being freed from some sort of pressure, whether a literal escape to somewhere else or a mental disconnect, and listening selfishly to what's inside to make us happy.

Now, prompt! And then fill! Multiple fills on the same prompt are welcomed!


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