!!!-CLOSED TO NEW PROMPTS-!!! Real Person Prompt Post // April 1st - April 15th

Apr 01, 2012 09:08

This is a post for any REAL PERSON PROMPTS. All prompts with pairings of people under the age of 18 should be posted to the underage section. Mentions of real life people under the age of 18 is not allowed.

A few reminders:
1. Use your subject lines! Please start with either REQUEST or FILLED also please list the pairing and kinks.
2. Please come up ( Read more... )

other rp prompt post, j2 prompt post, real people prompting post

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Comments 954

REQUEST: J2 - Sleeping Beauty!Jensen, fingering/handjob, oral anonymous April 1 2012, 07:19:00 UTC
Prince Jensen was cursed by an evil jealous warlock to die on his 21st birthday, but his fairy godmother was able to altered the curse so that at worse, if the curse couldn't be averted, Jensen would be sent to sleep, to be awoken by True Loves Kiss. The curse, unfortunately came to pass and Jensen fell asleep, and into legend.


It has been years since anyone has ventured in to this section of the kingdom, Prince Jared has heard all kinds of stories about how the land is haunted, but he has also heard tale that there is an amazing treasure at its center. Jared is able to get through all the trials/booby traps and make it to the upper most tower, there he finds a beautiful naked freckle-covered man, sleeping. Jared can't help but to run his hands over the glorious pliant man, watching as he gets hard. Jared hardly realizes that he hasn't even kissed his mystery man, until he does. . . and the man wakes up.


Re: REQUEST: J2 - Sleeping Beauty!Jensen, fingering/handjob, oral anonymous April 1 2012, 07:52:21 UTC

Loved this prompt when it was posted on the spn_hardcore themed meme last year. Had thought about filling it myself, when I had the chance. I still probably will, but love the fact that it's being re-energized...so many ways this could be written...


Re: REQUEST: J2 - Sleeping Beauty!Jensen, fingering/handjob, oral maaldas April 1 2012, 09:37:12 UTC
Yes, definitely. Ooooooh, I wrote one myself only with Sleeping!Dean. Love to see another somnophilia being written. Agree with anonymous above so many ways this could be written.


Re: REQUEST: J2 - Sleeping Beauty!Jensen, fingering/handjob, oral anonymous April 1 2012, 10:21:54 UTC
Oh god, I hope this gets written. Fairytale plus insomnia? Yes please.


REQUEST: J2 - consensual feminization anonymous April 1 2012, 07:27:48 UTC
I don't have a very specific prompt, I'd just like to see J2 in a relationship with one of them being consensually feminized.
This could happen during sex (calling his hole pussy or his cock clitty etc., wearing panties, shaving, …) and outside of sex (not having a job, taking the other J's last name, cooking, cleaning, …).

Other kinks are welcome as well, just please no non-con.


Re: REQUEST: J2 - consensual feminization anonymous April 3 2012, 00:39:25 UTC


Re: REQUEST: J2 - consensual feminization anonymous April 4 2012, 10:08:25 UTC
This, please!


(Not so) Desperate housewife 1a/? anonymous April 4 2012, 17:46:38 UTC
So, I was inspired by this prompt and tried a little something. It's my first fill, so I'm sorry if it's not exactly really good. Title is lame, I had no idea what to call it so ( ... )


REQUEST: J2, AU, humorous, Rockstar!Jen & Vapid!Model!Jared anonymous April 1 2012, 07:28:31 UTC
Jensen is a hugely successful rockstar who despairs that he has fallen into rockstar cliche: he wants to tap model Jared's ass.

But Jared is a vapid model that flits from man to man, and every time they meet, Jared never remembers who Jensen is. Jared maybe a ranked chess master who speaks three different languages, but he is also never in the country very long.

In desperation (and he can't believe he is stooping to this), the one and only time they sleep together, Jensen pokes a hole in the condom. Three months later Jared is pregnant, and doing DNA tests of the entire Fortune 500. But, yeah, Jensen is going to put a ring on it :)


Re: REQUEST: J2, AU, humorous, Rockstar!Jen & Vapid!Model!Jared anonymous April 3 2012, 02:05:22 UTC
I didn't know I needed this fic until now! Seconded so hard.


Re: REQUEST: J2, AU, humorous, Rockstar!Jen & Vapid!Model!Jared anonymous June 2 2013, 00:31:51 UTC
Tagged! authocracy June 4 2013, 16:35:53 UTC
Thanks very much for the fill! For next time, please remember two things:

1) Please put a big FILLED in the subject line so we taggers can see your fill more easily. Otherwise we might've missed this one!

2) Please provide a complete list of kinks for your fic.


REQUEST: J2, AU, Vampires, futuristic anonymous April 1 2012, 07:31:02 UTC
J2 are vampire soulmates hitting a 24th century vamp bar for a late night snack.


Request: Jared/Jensen, Jared/Genevieve, Jensen/Danneel, Mpreg!Jared, Hurt/Comfort, Homophobia. elenies_mind April 1 2012, 08:00:42 UTC
Introduction: Genevieve never got pregnant during season 7, Jared did ( ... )


Filled: Jared/Jensen Title: Ways of Love Warning: Mpreg (mpreg!Jared) elenies_mind April 20 2012, 07:30:13 UTC
Disclaimer: Supernatural and the characters do not belong to me. Jared and Jensen or anyone else for that matter do not belong to me. I make no money from this, this is for entertainment only ( ... )


Re: Filled: Jared/Jensen Title: Ways of Love Warning: Mpreg (mpreg!Jared) part 2 elenies_mind April 20 2012, 07:37:32 UTC
Genevieve snorted, "If everyone at the studio finds out, they won't need you, they will fire and replace you as soon as they know, but if you abort, they would never know ( ... )


Re: Filled: Jared/Jensen Title: Ways of Love Warning: Mpreg (mpreg!Jared) part 3 elenies_mind April 20 2012, 07:38:29 UTC
To say Jensen was shocked would have been an understatment. "Shit!" he managed ( ... )


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