!!!-CLOSED TO NEW PROMPTS-!!! Real Person Prompt Post // April 1st - April 15th

Apr 01, 2012 09:08

This is a post for any REAL PERSON PROMPTS. All prompts with pairings of people under the age of 18 should be posted to the underage section. Mentions of real life people under the age of 18 is not allowed.

A few reminders:
1. Use your subject lines! Please start with either REQUEST or FILLED also please list the pairing and kinks.
2. Please come up ( Read more... )

other rp prompt post, j2 prompt post, real people prompting post

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(Not so) Desperate housewife 1a/? anonymous April 4 2012, 17:46:38 UTC
So, I was inspired by this prompt and tried a little something. It's my first fill, so I'm sorry if it's not exactly really good. Title is lame, I had no idea what to call it so... :/


When Jensen first met Jared, he was grocery shopping in the little supermarket at the corner of his apartment building. He was balancing precariously on a low shelf on his tip toes and trying to reach a cereal box at the very top of the highest shelf (damn his favorite cereals and the store owner for housing them so high!). He was straining his arm as far as it would go to get the damn box when he felt himself slip on the shelf he had stepped on and falling backwards. 'It's going to hurt.' was his last thought, even as he desperately flailed to regain some kind of balance and then
he wasn't falling anymore. Huh.

"You alright?"

A voice rumbled behind him, straight through his chest and he suddenly became aware of the strong pair of arms wrapped around him, preventing his from falling. He whipped around quickly in the stranger's arms and came face to face with a broad, muscular chest. Double huh. See, Jensen always had a bit of a kink. "Muscular men" equaled "yumm" in Jensen's brain and he had never hidden it. He felt more secure with some big guy around him, protected even, more at ease you could say. And. To be honest. Having a strong body against his own, muscles bugging and keeping him close as a hard, fat cock pounded into him was all kinds of amazing. Not that he had much chance of experiencing that for the past years or so, though...

Jensen's boyfriends had all left him with the same excuses: "you're too needy, too clingy, too domestic, boring even". So, yeah, after the fifth man to leave him because of that he had felt like maybe the dating scene wasn't for him. Not that Jensen thought anything was wrong with him or something: he had never seen what was the problem in cooking and baking for his boyfriends, nor why it was bad to prefer being home and cuddling instead of partying in clubs and bars every week-ends. His best friend Chad had looked at him like he had grown a third head when he told him exactly that, though. So, yeah, he had quit the dating scene after Micheal had left him.

(He had received an invitation to Micheal's wedding last week and was still in search of the perfect tuxedo to go. Micheal had left him not because Jensen was the way he was but because Micheal had kind of the same kink as Jensen and had discovered after a night of experiencing with Jensen that he was, in fact, a big slutty bottom and needed a top. Badly. So, he had left Jensen and Jensen had completely understood, going even as far as going out with him a few times at clubs and bars. They were now great friends and Jensen had met Mark, ex-marine, and pined for a week afterwards because Micheal had been so lucky to find Mark almost immediately after his big epiphany when Jensen was looking since he was 15 for his man. Damn Micheal, that oh-so-lucky bastard.)

Anyway, back to the matter at hand: Mr I-have-the-body-of-a-God was still holding him and Jensen felt a bit faint as he slowly raised, and raised, and raised his head up to the man's face and saw the most gorgeous man he had ever seen, looking down at him with a bright smile, dimples - dimples! - and eyes dancing in amusement. Wait. The man had talked to him. Wait. What did he say? Something about how he was? Oh my God. Jensen was pretty sure he had been standing there for quite a while now and the man probably thought he was a bit touched in the head. He flailed once more, and the man stepped back; Jensen immediately missed the warm, muscular body against his own but shook his head to clear it.

"I'm f-fine!"


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