!!!-CLOSED TO NEW PROMPTS-!!! Real Person Prompt Post // April 1st - April 15th

Apr 01, 2012 09:08

This is a post for any REAL PERSON PROMPTS. All prompts with pairings of people under the age of 18 should be posted to the underage section. Mentions of real life people under the age of 18 is not allowed.

A few reminders:
1. Use your subject lines! Please start with either REQUEST or FILLED also please list the pairing and kinks.
2. Please come up ( Read more... )

other rp prompt post, j2 prompt post, real people prompting post

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Re: Filled: Jared/Jensen Title: Ways of Love Warning: Mpreg (mpreg!Jared) part 3 anonymous April 20 2012, 07:38:29 UTC
To say Jensen was shocked would have been an understatment. "Shit!" he managed.

Jared kept waiting, watching to monitor Jensen's reaction. "What about filming? Shit, and Danneel, Genevieve? The fans?"

"I know, I've already thought of that," Jared admitted.

"But wow, we'll have a baby though," Jensen still had fear written on his face, shock even more so, but there was a smile, that he was to become a father, with the man he loved. Even though this certianly had not been planned, even though there was so much to think about.

"If I keep it..." Jared paused, "Genevieve knows, and she thinks it would be best for me to get an abortion. She made an appointment for tomorrow morning."

"No way! That is our baby," Jensen frowned.

"I know, but Jen, we are both married, with promising jobs, if I'm pregnant how will we film?" Jared asked.

"It doesn't matter, you can take time off or it be written into the show, whatever. And I'm telling Danneel, I want to be with you, with our baby. I have always wanted you, you know that, this is what we needed to make us do what our hearts wanted long ago,"

Jared only nodded, and they tried for some small talk and concerns awhile before they both went home.

When Jared refused to go get the abortion the next day, Genevieve had a fit, and tried hitting him in his abdomen and anything she could think of to make sure there would be no baby.

Jared started packing.

Jensen braced himself on letting his wife know. "Danneel, I want a divorce, Jared is pregnant, and the baby is mine,"

Danneel nodded, "Okay, I'll talk to my lawyer about getting some papers ready,"

"We didn't plan for this and I'm sorry this all came out on you like.... wait, what?" Jensen paused, "You don't seem upset or shocked?"

Danneel looked almost like she would laugh, "Do you think that since we have been married, I haven't been with other guys? Or that I couldn't tell that there was something between you and Jared from the start? Just make sure the settlement goes good, like, I want this house, and the Porche. And a good bank account. Oh, and I want to seem just as surprised as anyone else, so I'm going to 'play act' being miserable for a while. Remember, you cheated and knocked someone up. Your co-worker! I would never get pregnant with a fling, I'm not that crazy!"

"Um... okay... sure," Jensen managed, trying to comprehend that she had known all along, that there would be no argueing or crying of grief.


Re: Filled: Jared/Jensen Title: Ways of Love Warning: Mpreg (mpreg!Jared) part 4 anonymous April 20 2012, 07:41:37 UTC
Jared was packed and in a hotel, when Jensen told him how things had went with Danneel, he was just as surprised, but glad.

Jensen was getting a divorce. They were having a baby! Everything was working out okay!

That's when he made the mistake of letting Genevieve know he wanted his own divorce. That he loved Jensen and that he was going to have a family with Jensen.

He was still nervous how his family, his job, and everything else would go, but Jensen and him would be just fine.

Jared and Jensen decided that a fresh start would be best, so Danneel got the house from Jensen, and Genevieve would get her and Jared's house. They would get their own with their own memories to make.

As they were laying in bed in the motel the first week, still keeping everything secret for the moment, Jensen keep looking at Jared's stomach as if expecting it to perform some magical trick or that it'd suddenly grow like he was used to seeing other pregnant parent's to be.

"It's a slow process you know?" Jared said in a deadpanned tone.

Jensen laughed, "Yeah, sorry, just, wow, we are going to be dads!"

"Won't the baby get confused, or us for that matter, with two dads?" Jared asked worriedly.

"I guess," Jensen admitted after thinking, "But look how many names we could use! Daddy, dad, father, papa, pops, daddy and daddy J,"

Jared nodded and lay back, "Hmm, let's think it over,"

"Or I could do you like I did my mom, call you mommy," Jensen jokingly smirked.

"I don't think so, I'm not a woman," Jared said, deadly serious.

"I know that," Jensen couldn't help but laugh, "But to see your face at the suggestion was worth saying that."

"Since you are shorter I could have the baby calling you mommy," Jared threatened, joking now though.

"Nope, I'm daddy," Jensen shook his head, placing a hand on Jared's stomach that was carrying their child, that no longer had as much muscle but tissue for the baby.

"Okay, you can be daddy, I'm papa, no wait, that sounds too old..." Jared mused.

Jensen laughed, "Papaw? Nah, papa works,"

"We'll see," Jared shrugged, "I'm gonna go across the street for some bagels, want some?"

"Sure, and coffee," Jensen agreed as Jared got up, streching and grabbing his wallet.

He bought the food and a coffee and orange juice but making his way out, Genevieve was standing there.


Re: Filled: Jared/Jensen Title: Ways of Love Warning: Mpreg (mpreg!Jared) part 5 anonymous April 20 2012, 07:46:44 UTC
"Jared, you should think about this before throwing your life away. You won't have family, a job, anything. You need to get the abortion before it's too late."

"I told you, I love Jensen. He is my family, my baby will be my family. I'll see how everything else goes, for now, that's all I need." Jared walked away, going to go back across the street to Jensen.

Before he knew it, Genevieve had gotten into her car and while luckily it hadn't been from a far distance and little speed was gained, she tried to run him over. Shouting as she did that she 'would not let this baby be born and ruin her life', Jared rolling onto the ground with the impact, holding his stomach in fear.

After that, it was all a blur. Police and ambulance were called, and when Jensen heard commotion from people on the street to investigate, Genevieve had only been lucky police were already on the scene as he went after her. It wasn't long before his attention was brought back to Jared though.

Jared was still holding his stomach in worry, face scrunched up in pain.

"Where does it hurt? What happened? Where did she hit you?"

"One at a time," Jared managed, "My leg, she got my leg,"

Paramedics were soon on the scene, and upon learning Jared was pregnant, took him to the hospital immediatly to check the baby as well. Jensen was with him through it all.

The result was a brusied leg, and sprained ankle, fractured wrist from catching himself. The baby seemed fine, just as before, and Jared couldn't have been more relieved.

Genevieve was taken into coustody on two counts of attempted murder, one on Jared and one on his unborn baby. The media found out, and of course went wild. Soon learning of his pregnancy after the commotion.

"There's daddy," Jensen rubbed Jared's stomach happily, "Resting up after the psycho, and papa is here to make sure no other psycho women try anything,"

"I'm not helpless, just injured a little you know," Jared told him, but not angerily, simply amused.

Jensen shrugged, "Eh, you are carrying my kid, what else can I do while you do all the work, you will be thankful for this later when you get big and need the help."

"I'll still be taller," Jared had to add in.

"Fine, you have four inches on me, remember that when you are swelled out and I'm not," Jensen smirked, trying not to show his humor, "I won't help then, after you letting me know this now,"

"Don't think you do nothing while I carry this kid," Jared warned.

"Oh I know, I'll sign you up for a back and foot rub, save me the hark work when we have the money to do just that,"

"Nope, ask the baby, daddy Jensen is going to be nice to daddy Jared the whole time, or..." and with a stage whisper, Jared added, "Daddy Jared can find daddy Jensen a couch,"

"You wouldn't," Jensen challenged.

Jared laughed, "Nice thought, but okay, I wouldn't, cause you would at least help when I need it,"

"Wouldn't have it any other way," Jensen kissed him and gave him his lunch, a teddy bear for their baby and asked if they could get married as soon as their divorces were final.

Jared agreed, that they should get married, but not because a baby was on the way, they had been together so long, that it was only right to finally be themselves.

Naturally, there was a few, though not many, fans that turned away. Most were asking why it had taken so long though. It was getting more viewers from those that had not heard of the show, allowing that he had his job secured, of course, a hiatus with his injuries and pregnancy. Which Jared and Jensen both liked since they would get more time to relax together and find a house.

Jared's father seemed okay with the news, and his mom cried as she hugged him, telling him it was about time they got a grandkid from him. Everything fell into place.

Six and a haf months later, in May, Jared and Jensen welcomed their son, Andrew Paul Padalecki-Ackles into their family.

He had Jared's brown hair, but Jensen's green eyes, with Jared's skin tone, but Jensen's facial features more dominant. An adorable little guy: 7 lbs, 7 oz, and 21 inches.

They had a nice, cozy home (3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms) to bring him home to.

A bright and promising future ahead.

END. Thanks for reading my first attempt ever, hope it was a nice or at least bearable read.


Re: Filled: Jared/Jensen Title: Ways of Love Warning: Mpreg (mpreg!Jared) part 5 elenies_mind April 20 2012, 09:51:09 UTC

Awwwwwwwwwwwww, thank you so much!!!
I was afraid no one was going to fill this, because the prompt looked too mean. So Thank you twice!
In the fic there's everything i wanted to read, and i really liked it! <3

It's a really good first fic, i think you should keep writing.

I'm going to rec this in my journal, later.

*Kisses and Hugs*


Author of Ways of Love anonymous April 20 2012, 19:53:38 UTC
I really enjoyed writing this prompt! It was my inspiration for my first fic, so thank you so much! I am glad that I got the chance to write it and hope others write on it too!
Thanks for liking it enough to red too! I really appreciate that so very much as well! Loved your prompt and I wish there were more!


Re: Author of Ways of Love elenies_mind April 21 2012, 12:46:35 UTC

You are the only one to thank, i did nothing :)

Actually, i have more prompt, but are all Mpreg and often hurt/comfort related...if you are interested, you can take a look here:


*Kisses and Hugs* and Thank you once again for the beautiful fic!


Re: Author of Ways of Love anonymous April 23 2012, 02:45:03 UTC
Aww, thanks for giving a link to more prompts! I haven't looked at them yet since I am just getting on from a busy weekend and have a niece scheduled to be delivered Wednesday, but I will look at them and see about any others that I might try.
Mpreg or hurt comfort or both don't bother me, and if I get to writing more it would actually probably be my main focus.
Thanks again for the wonderful inspiration that allowed me to want to write my first time!


Author of Ways of Love spn425 April 23 2012, 04:29:03 UTC
I have created a LiveJournal account, so that I can keep track of comment replies and hopefully start writing more.


Re: Author of Ways of Love maaldas April 23 2012, 08:54:46 UTC
Congrats on your first fic! This is cute :D

I really love the prompt but I knew that I totally wouldn't do this idea justice. You did great, hon!

[quote]It had been so convenient to call Genevieve 'Gen' so that in bed, even though he was with her, and Jensen wasn't in him, he could say 'Jen' for Jensen and she wouldn't be the wiser.[/quote]

Seriously, this is what I'd been thinking for the whole year they were dating. Is Jared intentionally choosing Gen because she has the same nickname as Jensen? It's too perfect to be coincidence. LOL Hope you'll post it on your journal soon. :D


Re: Author of Ways of Love elenies_mind April 23 2012, 17:02:40 UTC

maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaldas <3

I thought the same thing too!!! [Even if i don't thinik it was intentional]

We're inasane, hehe...


Re: Author of Ways of Love maaldas April 24 2012, 05:26:11 UTC
LOL totally! LOL

And it's all their fault anyway. Both J2 don't make it easy on us. :D :D:D:D:D:D


Re: Author of Ways of Love spn425 April 28 2012, 03:04:46 UTC
Thank you for taking the time to review, and letting me know what you thought, I am glad you liked how I went with the prompt.
The part on Gen and Jen just sort of popped into my head and refused to go away until included, lol. True, really good 'coincidence' but thanks again and I'll post it on it soon after I get energy back from helping taking care of a newborn and becoming an aunt/godmother. Since I'm just getting in from staying with them and going back soon, I'm hoping to post it in a little.
Thanks and glad you enjoyed!


Re: Author of Ways of Love elenies_mind April 23 2012, 17:00:15 UTC

Hehe, we're not in any rush, you can read the prompts when you'll have time.
And Congratulation...Aunt-to-be!

I just friended back your brand new lj account :)

*Kisses and Hugs* and Thank YOU!!! ;P


(The comment has been removed)

Re: Author of Ways of Love elenies_mind May 1 2012, 05:43:23 UTC

Awwwwwwwwwwwww...Congratulation, Aunt!

Feel free to do whatever you want with the prompts.
I really hope to read something more from you.

*Kisses and Hugs*

I'm sorry for the late reply, but i've been super busy.


Re: Author of Ways of Love spn425 May 16 2012, 06:39:59 UTC
Thanks, and sorry too, same around here.
I'm hoping to keep on writing as things may start slowing down.
Thanks! :)


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