Closing: Seven Deadly Sins

Apr 05, 2009 23:46

Truly, I got so carried away with opening the next challenge that I was all set to post it without closing this one. This is why people should not assume I'm competent. It's so rarely true.

But I did remember, so sorry guys, your time for all that greed and lust has now ended. Thank you to everyone who played; all stories can be found here in tags. I would make an extremely excellent joke here about those of us--*cough*me*cough*--who were too slothful to write anything on time, but merryish already used up the sloth humour in the opening post. My joke would have been funnier. If I were you, I'd probably be very upset with her for denying you it. And yes, I can say that and not feel bad because I do not think lying is one of the deadly sins. Although, come to think of it, I'm not entirely sure.

New challenge coming up in a bit. While you're waiting eagerly for that, I would like to take the opportunity to shamelessly abuse my mod privileges. Like, even more than usual.

I'm co-modding a happy, post-war, world-did-not-end challenge over at whenthewarsover, and we're hoping for as many people to play as we can possibly get. Our boys need the happy! There's a post up with more info over here, if you're interested.

Also, if I may be so bold as to ask for even more things, if you have any challenge suggestions for future spnflashfic challenges, I'd love to hear them. I really, really would. merryish would, too. Sometimes, she cries when we don't get any. I'd appreciate it if you didn't let her know I told you that, though. She's a proud woman; let her keep her dignity, yeah?

* mod posts, seven deadly sins

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