Opening: I'ts the End of the World as We Know it

Apr 06, 2009 00:09

I like to think it's not (please, Kripke? Pretty, pretty please?), but since that's certainly where the show wants me to think it's going, it's the theme of this week's challenge.

Although, naturally, how you interpret it is entirely up to you. You can actually end it, if you want, or you can have them save it, in some last minute moment of awesome. what do they do, when it finally looks like they're out of time? Do the boys spend it together? Do they make up? Is there finally a Grand Canyon trip for Dean? And in a sign of the end times, if ever there were one, does Sam get to pick the music in the car?

And of course, it doesn't have to be literally the end of the world. It could just be something that feels like the end of the world --Sam leaving for Stanford. The Impala braking down (god forbid). That terrible, terrible time Bobby appeared hatless. Jared running out of candy. Jensen losing a round of golf to Jared.

Stories are due by 18 April, around about this time. Ish. Assuming nothing apocalyptic happens between now and then.

it's the end of the world, * mod posts

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