
Feb 25, 2012 23:32

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S4 AU anonymous February 26 2012, 22:20:07 UTC
How different would S4 have been if Dean remembered Hell from the moment of his resurrection instead of having microflashbacks and then having everything hit in 4.06?


Re: S4 AU anonymous February 26 2012, 22:30:43 UTC
I'm pretty sure he remembered hell from the get go, but lied about remembering it.


Re: S4 AU anonymous February 26 2012, 22:53:03 UTC
He didn't remember, anon. Not at first, anyway. He did lie about remembering later on and he had some very tiny flashbacks from the beginning but it wasn't the same as remembering everything from the get go.


Re: S4 AU anonymous February 26 2012, 23:19:00 UTC

It wasn't established any degree of remembrance, either way. This assumption is just fanon.


Re: S4 AU anonymous February 26 2012, 23:56:51 UTC

Yep, IA. The show is entirely ambiguous as to whether Dean remembered everything from the start or not.


Re: S4 AU anonymous February 26 2012, 23:24:53 UTC

How do you know he didn't remember from the beginning? I believe that he did remember it all from the beginning and lied about it. His lie to Sam was a pretty obvious one. Regardless, the show has not established otherwise.

Trauma often takes time to hit. Even if you remember something well it can take time for the full impact to hit you.


Re: S4 AU anonymous February 26 2012, 23:37:11 UTC

He said he didn't, he didn't know anything about how he got out, and he generally didn't act like someone who had just emerged from 40 years in Hell when he woke up. That isn't allowing the full time for trauma to hit. Trauma was Dean's normal. He'd spent more time in Hell than on Earth, but he didn't act like that when he was first resurrected. He acted like S3!Dean. Not to mention that when he got to a mirror, he pulled up his shirt to look at where the Hellhounds had torn him apart. Why would he have done that if he remembered Hell and being ripped completely to shreds over and over again? Why would his death wound have been what he checked on?

He did lie to Sam about remembering nothing, but we saw him having those microflashbacks. It was clear to me that was what he was lying about remembering, not all of Hell.

It's not stated outright, but it's not stated outright that he was suicidal in S2, either. I didn't think it would have had to have been.


Re: S4 AU anonymous February 27 2012, 00:00:26 UTC

He did lie to Sam about remembering nothing, but we saw him having those microflashbacks. It was clear to me that was what he was lying about remembering, not all of Hell.

That's a leap you're making though. It wasn't as clear to many others in this thread (hence the discussion) so, for many of us, the microflashbacks were indicative of greater flashbacks they just weren't showing us, not any representation of the degree of memory at Dean's disposal.


Re: S4 AU anonymous February 27 2012, 00:13:18 UTC

I think either way works with canon, personally, so it becomes something of a fanon preference rather than a black and white canon thing, since canon is ambiguous.

I think not remembering until later or gradually remembering is more consistent with his behavior, but can totally see how other people see it the other way.


Re: S4 AU anonymous February 26 2012, 22:31:59 UTC
I thought it was established that he remembered everything from the get, but was just lying about it.


Re: S4 AU anonymous February 26 2012, 22:44:39 UTC
He didn't, nonnie. Dean had some flashbacks but just compare his behavior from Lazarus Rising to after his vision of Lilith in YF: he goes from acting much like the Dean of S3 to drinking, having horrific nightmares, et cetera. Sam points it out in Wishful Thinking, even though Dean hadn't admitted that he remembered yet.


Re: S4 AU anonymous February 26 2012, 22:33:24 UTC
Interesting question. I tend to think Sam and Ruby would've raised Lillith a lot more quickly (because Dean wouldn't have been in any shape to be confronting Sam about their alliance and the danger of the powers and whatnot). He might've been more trusting of Castiel from the jump, remembering his rescue, or he might've just gone suicidal, remembering what he was doing in the several years preceding the rescue.

It would've been pretty wild, actually. The way they ended up doing it was quite controlled and subdued by comparison... Dean's trauma was almost completely buried under the brother vs brother drama, and only came out in slight visual cues (sleeping with his clothes on on top of the covers, heightened drinking) and the occasional barb from Castiel (plus the eps with Alistair, although only the third really had anything to say about Dean's PTSD).


Re: S4 AU anonymous February 26 2012, 22:51:15 UTC
I agree with all of this! It seems to me that Dean would have been much more like he was at the end of S4, more passive and dealing with the horror of his situation. He wouldn't have had the energy to deal with Ruby; would likely have been more accepting of her and of Sam's use of his powers from the beginning. He became far more so after he got his memories back, after all.

I'm curious whether canon!Dean remembers the rescue at all. We've never had any sort of description of that scene and all we know is that Dean doesn't know what happened in 4.01. Dean remembering Cas from the beginning might have saved Pamela her sight because he might have been able to give her some info to go off of instead of having her wander in blind. Pun very much not intended. D ( ... )


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