
Feb 25, 2012 23:32

This post is for show discussion and fandom gossip only. NO ACTOR GOSSIP, NO ACTOR BASHING!!

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2. No linking between RL and online identities.
3. Keep the actor gossip to these posts or take it to spn_gossip.

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Comments 5805

First…????? anonymous February 26 2012, 18:12:21 UTC
Or is it that I just can't see comments?


Re: First…????? anonymous February 26 2012, 18:13:03 UTC
*SA FIRST!!!!!!!! \o/


Re: First…????? anonymous February 26 2012, 20:32:28 UTC

Putting this here...

Q: The comments keep disappearing! What do I do?
A: http://spnanonhaven.livejournal.com/18819.html?thread=90512259#t90512259 (parent up in this thread for a script if you don't wish to use the fix manually)


Re: First…????? anonymous February 26 2012, 18:13:52 UTC
Yup, you're first.



Art rec thread anonymous February 26 2012, 21:01:36 UTC
I'm on the look out for some new Sam'n'Dean, wincest or J2 art and hoped the good nonnies on the meme would share their favorites or newly discovered treasures?

Feel free to add your own requests.


Re: Art rec thread anonymous February 26 2012, 21:13:27 UTC
I'd like to see some dark!D/C. :)

thanks meme!


Re: Art rec thread anonymous February 26 2012, 21:18:01 UTC
This is one I stumbled over a couple of days ago and I really love it.



Re: Art rec thread anonymous February 26 2012, 21:41:41 UTC

I love that. ♥


S4 AU anonymous February 26 2012, 22:20:07 UTC
How different would S4 have been if Dean remembered Hell from the moment of his resurrection instead of having microflashbacks and then having everything hit in 4.06?


Re: S4 AU anonymous February 26 2012, 22:30:43 UTC
I'm pretty sure he remembered hell from the get go, but lied about remembering it.


Re: S4 AU anonymous February 26 2012, 22:53:03 UTC
He didn't remember, anon. Not at first, anyway. He did lie about remembering later on and he had some very tiny flashbacks from the beginning but it wasn't the same as remembering everything from the get go.


Re: S4 AU anonymous February 26 2012, 23:19:00 UTC

It wasn't established any degree of remembrance, either way. This assumption is just fanon.


Searching for Dominant/top!Jensen in J2 fic anonymous February 26 2012, 22:59:21 UTC
Anyone know of any J2 fic where Jensen is the top? It can have D/s elements or not.


Re: Searching for Dominant/top!Jensen in J2 fic anonymous February 26 2012, 23:05:05 UTC

Also, there was a significant amount of top!Jensen posted for the mpregbb, I think. More top!Jensen than bottom!Jensen, I'm pretty sure.


Re: Searching for Dominant/top!Jensen in J2 fic anonymous February 26 2012, 23:15:57 UTC
Thank you!


Re: Searching for Dominant/top!Jensen in J2 fic anonymous February 26 2012, 23:33:47 UTC
Welcome! I'm a strictly bottom!Jensen and bottom!Dean kinda gal, so the higher volume of top!Jensen posts recently has stuck out to me. Good luck finding fic you're interested in! (BTW, the bottom!Jared stuff I've seen posted of late is not only bottom!Jared, but woobie bottom!Jared, so I hope that is to your taste?)


I'm having a moment. anonymous February 26 2012, 23:21:21 UTC
Castiel: most hated character or most hated character?


Re: I'm having a moment. anonymous February 26 2012, 23:26:14 UTC
Nah, I think about the most controversial(fandom-wise) character.

There seems to be fervent stanning and hating in equal amounts to me.


Re: I'm having a moment. anonymous February 26 2012, 23:27:24 UTC
I think that many struggle to separate hatred of the character vs hatred of the character's fans. I know that I have let a very strong dislike of one, absolutely abolish any like that I had for the other.


Re: I'm having a moment. anonymous February 26 2012, 23:32:32 UTC
I've never understood this mindset. There are certainly characters (or for me, it's more likely to be pairings) whose supporters annoy the fuck out of me but that doesn't mean I hate the characters themselves. The overwhelming amount of Arthur/Eames in Inception fandom, for instance, has killed any interest that I have for that pairing because I find myself starving for other pairings I might be interested in, but I don't hate A/E. I can't read it, I find it boring and OOC, but so what if other people do love it?


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