
Feb 25, 2012 23:32

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I'm having a moment. anonymous February 26 2012, 23:21:21 UTC
Castiel: most hated character or most hated character?


Re: I'm having a moment. anonymous February 26 2012, 23:26:14 UTC
Nah, I think about the most controversial(fandom-wise) character.

There seems to be fervent stanning and hating in equal amounts to me.


Re: I'm having a moment. anonymous February 26 2012, 23:27:24 UTC
I think that many struggle to separate hatred of the character vs hatred of the character's fans. I know that I have let a very strong dislike of one, absolutely abolish any like that I had for the other.


Re: I'm having a moment. anonymous February 26 2012, 23:32:32 UTC
I've never understood this mindset. There are certainly characters (or for me, it's more likely to be pairings) whose supporters annoy the fuck out of me but that doesn't mean I hate the characters themselves. The overwhelming amount of Arthur/Eames in Inception fandom, for instance, has killed any interest that I have for that pairing because I find myself starving for other pairings I might be interested in, but I don't hate A/E. I can't read it, I find it boring and OOC, but so what if other people do love it?


Re: I'm having a moment. anonymous February 26 2012, 23:37:26 UTC
OK, sure. But there are obnoxious fans in every corner of the fandom. Why does this character keep being singled out?


Re: I'm having a moment. anonymous February 26 2012, 23:56:50 UTC
Probably because they in particularity are very visible and loud.


Re: I'm having a moment. anonymous February 27 2012, 00:37:33 UTC
Many Cas fen's behaviour went beyond just cute obnoxiousness. It was vile, vulgar and completely sickening.


Re: I'm having a moment. anonymous February 27 2012, 01:52:10 UTC
Words never used to describe SPN fandom before Castiel was on the show. Ever. We were a field of happiness daisies and unicorns, and no one ever fought, displayed misogynistic behavior, or behaved appalling to TPTB or the actors!

These are just facts.


Re: I'm having a moment. anonymous February 27 2012, 02:05:53 UTC
Probably because they came in late in the run. EDGs/ESGs and co. are kind of like an annoying aunt, while ECGs are more like your cousin's unsufferable stranger bitch of a boyfriend.


Re: I'm having a moment. anonymous February 26 2012, 23:42:07 UTC
That's how I feel about Sam.


Re: I'm having a moment. anonymous February 27 2012, 00:03:44 UTC
Stupid!nonnie, you are forever my favorite.


Re: I'm having a moment. anonymous February 27 2012, 00:14:30 UTC

Out of curiousity, is it just one person who tosses out the "stupid!nonnie" moniker, or are there more than one of you?


Re: I'm having a moment. anonymous February 27 2012, 01:08:54 UTC

Er, what the fuck are you on about? o_O


Re: I'm having a moment. anonymous February 27 2012, 00:39:02 UTC
Pretty sure that as batshit as some Sam fans are, they are no where near as evil as some Cas girls are.


Re: I'm having a moment. anonymous February 27 2012, 00:44:17 UTC
oh dear god please just shut up, both of you.

this is why we can't have nice things, meme.


Re: I'm having a moment. anonymous February 26 2012, 23:59:48 UTC

I've never understood this, myself. I have never found it remotely difficult to separate the behavior of (some) fans from a character they like.


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