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Comments 11

tifaching September 9 2018, 12:39:05 UTC
This was wonderful. So full of truth for all three of them. Dean dealing with multiple ways he's damaged Sam and finally coming to terms with what he'd actually done with Gadreel. Also with Jack taking over part of his role in Sam's life. Sam dealing with what what rescuing Dean cost him and dealing with both the repercussions and Dean's guilt. And Jack dealing with being human. I loved Sam's powers coming back online with the loss of his sight. I could deal with this being canon...


lennelle September 9 2018, 13:18:45 UTC
Oh wowowow I loved every word of this!! This had all my favourite things: hurt!Sam, delicious conflict, POWERS!SAM, Jack being an absolute sweetie, brother angst and brother comfort. I am so in love with this story and so grateful to you, anonymous gifter, for writing it for me ( ... )


borgmama1of5 September 9 2018, 14:04:15 UTC
OMG, this may be the best of the SummerGen yet ( ... )


juliasets September 9 2018, 21:00:22 UTC
Oh, ouch ouch ouch. This was so great. I'm probably not even going to be able to touch on all the parts I loved, but I'll give it a try ( ... )


caranfindel September 10 2018, 11:30:56 UTC
Oh god, I love this and I don’t have time to say why because it’s already made me late for work.


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