SPP Season 4 Update - September

Sep 19, 2008 18:00

So, have you all seen and recovered from the 4th season premiere? I'll give you a moment to stop fangirling-out... Done now? How about now? Look, we don't have all day, just let me get this out of the way and you can go back to bouncing around the room, okay?

According to the comments we have received, the members of this community have sent just over 100 postcards to the cast & crew of Supernatural since they began shooting season 4. You are all AWESOME! However, after last night's kick ass season premiere, I feel it is my duty as mod to encourage you all to send even more love and praise to those that work so hard to bring us OUR SHOW. That's right, I am asking you to send more postcards. LOTS MORE!!! Enough postcards to justify the P.A.'s working 16 hour days, in the rain and snow, for crap pay, while wearing a very unflattering orange reflector vest.

Please don't forget to comment when you send a postcard, I know that I am behind on thanking people, but we really do appreciate your efforts, and would like to know when people are participating in this campaign.

Also, thank you to everyone who has promoted the community and our campaign! We see you getting the word out, and it brings a smile to our faces knowing that so many people are enjoying the postcard project. :)

Information about the project, including the posting address can be found here: Address & Info post

Promotional Banners can be found here: Promotion post

Please do not post spoilers in the comments. Thank you!
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