SPP: Have You Sent Mail?

Aug 22, 2008 05:42

Supernatural Postcard Project Update:
Approximately 50 cards have been sent thus far -- many of them by bloggerchick -- according to the comments we have received, and that is not a bad start to the year, but what we really need is MORE! See, nice and simple. MORE!

If you have sent a card and have not let us know about it then please do; we would like the opportunity to thank you for participating, and we also like to have an idea about the number of cards we are sending and that should end up on THE WALL.

If you are new to this community then the information you need in order to participate in this project can be found at this post. If you still have any questions about this project, or want to know what the heck THE WALL is, then please ask in comments and I will do my best to answer.

Also, to those that feel inclined to help us out, we could use some pimping wherever you may roam. A few modest banners can be found below the cut if you would like to use them to promote the community. You can upload them to your own scrapbook/flickr/photobucket account, or just copy the text in the box below them. Thank you in advance for your assistance!



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