Season 4 Postcard Drive

Jul 02, 2008 17:37

It was just over two months ago that the crew of Supernatural Studios sent us photos of the season 3 postcard wall before it was packed up for the summer, and now everyone is back to shoot season 4 with a BLANK WALL that needs filling up. That is where we the fans come in. :D

Welcome to the first postcard drive of the season! We need community members to buy or make a postcard, write a welcome back message to the cast & crew (if you would like to address them to individual crew members, like Lou, Jason, Julie, Cyrus, Jocelyn, Lee Ann, Mary Ann, Liz, and Adrian who have posed for pictures for us in the past, go right ahead. Just remember that every crew member deserves a little LOVE), put a stamp on it, and drop it in the mail. Nice and easy! Once you have sent your postcard, please respond to this post and let us know so that we can gage community participation. If you would also like to comment with scans or pictures of your homemade or store bought cards then please do so; we all like to see what you have bought and/or created for the project.

If you have any questions, just comment to this post or e-mail one of the mods: deathisyourart, phantomas & thirdsouthobbi.

Supernatural Cast & Crew c\o
Supernatural Films Inc.
8085 Glenwood Drive
Burnaby, B.C.
V3N 5C8

Things of note:
1) Sources inside the studio have informed us that they really like funny or original postcards, so we encourage you to buy the funny and/or strange ones, OR make your own cards. Heavy card stock in the dimensions of 4.25"x6" or 6"x8" are treated the same as store bought cards.

2) Please remember to be POLITE and RESPECTFUL; these cards are being sent to a place of business after all.

3) Please do not spray your cards with perfume or send any food items through the mail (if you feel the need to send gifts); some people can have extreme reactions to perfume, and food is never accepted at the studio.

4) To send a postcard from the states into Canada the cost is now 69 72 cents, and sending postcards within Canada is 52 cents until January 1st 2009 (54 cents after that date). If you are from a country other than the United States or Canada, please check with your local post-office for prices.

ETA: 5) For members in the United States (I'm not sure if it works for those outside the Continental U.S.) there is a service through the US postal system that allows you to create a postcard online, they will then print and mail it for you for a small fee. The service is called Premium Postcard.

spp, info, address, sent postcards

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