Newsletter #52 for May 2015

May 30, 2015 21:16

Welcome to the spn_littlebro newsletter #52 for May 2015!

Fevered Ramblings:

Who's Hurting Sam or Jared Lately?
  • harrigan and ash48 both enjoyed zubeneschamali's recent story, The Dragon's Courtship. Summary: Jensen is prepared to offer himself as a sacrifice to the new dragon who has taken up residence near their village. But this dragon is not like the ones in the stories. harrigan says, "You can always count on Zuben to deliver clean prose, fantastic (literally, in this case) world-building, heart-pounding action/suspense, characters you care about, steamy sex, and happily ever after. With risking their lives to protect each other, and wound tending (and shared body heat), what more could you ask for? ash48 agrees and adds "be sure to check out the gorgeous art work by alexisjane".
  • cherry916 would like to draw your attention to a WIP she has recently discovered. Debts Owed, Lives Gambled by MorganaDW. Summary: Jared Packalecki’s life is rudely interrupted when his father “loans” him to a ruthless casino owner in exchange for canceling his debt to the establishment. The young man reluctantly goes, after his father threatens to hand over his little sister instead. She says, "Morgana has been posting this story since January but I only discovered it a few weeks ago and have been hooked ever since. Her stories are often intricate, and deep into the BDSM field. This story is gripping with believable characters that go through tragedies together. She recently just posted a chapter but she is pretty thorough with posting".

  • This just in! New comment meme, just for our lovely Jared who seems to have burned himself out:

Featured Fic Recs:
  • ayane42 has dug up some oldies but goodies! Her first rec is Sun's Rays on Dark Water by CagedTroll. Summary: A hunt gone wrong and another unwanted move sends the Winchester household slowly spinning out of control. She says, "This is a wonderful story about teenage Sam and his troubles with moving, bullies and his family".

  • Her second rec is To End Your Suffering by MissAnnThropic. Summary: The forest was bombarded with a blinding light. When it faded, Dean stared down at the body before him. It was Sam, Dean knew, but only because Dean remembered what Sam had looked like at four years old.. She says, "This is a great story about de-aged Sam. I love that it goes where I didn't expect it to go!"

  • ayane42's final featured rec is Into Hiding by demondetox. Summary: Jensen Ackles, Dallas Police Officer, finds himself in a club looking for something that doesn't involve dancing. Before he knows what hit him he's being seduced by a handsome stranger. The stranger, who turns out to be a hooker, holds more secrets than Jensen signed up for. When Jensen begins to fall for the young man he has to learn about the deathly danger following their every step. She says, "This story sucked me right in! What is Jared hiding?? This story is scary and tense and filled with plenty of grief and angst. A great story for hurt!Jared fans!

Other Media:
  • GIFs, picspams, etc.: Keep your eye on the constantly updated spnlittlebro tumblr for more great hurt!Sam discoveries!

  • art: There is no doubt tumblr is filled with gorgeous artwork. ash48 came across a wonderful piece that depicts scared young Sam hiding behind his big brother. It's by The Little Scribbler on tumblr.
  • music video: Ok, so this might not be keeping with the usual hurt!Sam theme but how can we not bring attention to the amazing Supernatural Parody that was recently released by The Hillywood Show. ash48 says, "I'm justifying this by saying that this features a lot of "broken" Sam! Osric does a remarkable job portraying the youngest Winchester. If you haven't watched this, it comes highly recommended. It's hilarious!".
  • music video: If you feel like a quiet weep then ash48 suggests you check out secretlytodream's beautiful examination of Sam and Dean's tragic, but enduring relationship. Her vid Tracking Aeroplanes, highlights why they go to such lengths for each other. "Loki's use of audio and graphics is always stunning", Ash says. "It's a must watch after the events in the S10 finale".
  • podfic: Yay! We have a podfic to recommend! ayane42 has enjoyed listening to eosrose's narration of sandymg's story One Small Step. Summary: Jared has had a secret crush for months. But it’s not like publishing genius and gay activist Jensen Ackles is going to notice the tall, weird guy pushing the mail cart. So when Jared’s best friend and Jensen’s assistant, Sandy, tells him that Jensen is getting married in one month to a fellow activist -- something about being the first gay couple to get married in the state -- Jared knows some things just aren't meant to be. reggie11 recc'ed this story on our themed archive last year. She says, "This is a truly gorgeous story - I teared up a number of times. The summary really doesn't do this story justice. It's so sad to see Jared, who is so special and wonderful, suffering having his heart broken. Although it's primarily a quirky love story, Jared's heartbreak is palpable and there are some real golden hurt/comfort moments throughout".

  • What's New?

    The looooong hiatus is now upon us. We are hoping for some awesome fan works to come on the back of the season finale. Don't forget that ANYONE can leave a rec to the themed archive posts.

    There are some fantastic challenges to keep you occupied over the next few months:

    ohsam's Fifth Anniversary fic/art challenge has produced a lot of new wonderful Sam works, so be sure to head over to the comm and check them all out!
    spn_summergen sign ups are from 17th - 31st May.

    spn_j2_bigbang will commence June 8th! \o/

    spn_meanttobe is currently happening. Posting has been extended to 7th June, so still more wonderful fics/art to come.

    spn_cinema is back and claims open June 1st!

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