I miss Jared. A lot. It isn't completely rational. But I friggin do, so much.
While we are giving him some space to heal with his family and/or sending him fluffy messeges (I have lost count, and aparantly all shame) let's also make fan art/fic/vids! This a comfort comment meme - but different people find different things comfoting.
(Image by Nagaesa)
In short - fluff, explicit, crack, angst, whatever you like, as long as it's related to Jared, one of his characters, or the concepts of Always Keep Fighting! ok?
1) Please be kind (ah, the effort it took to end that word with a d)
2) one prompt per comment, leave as many prompts as you like
3) use the prompt subject line to write the main characters or pairings in the prompt, and a few words about a key element in the plot or kink, so that potential writers and artist will be able to find it
4) Please use trigger warnings, and spoiler warnings for anything unaired
5) When filling, please start the subject line with "FILL", to make it easier to find
http://citrusjava.livejournal.com/152253.html" target="_blank">
https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t1.0-9/11149477_10205696261143625_7051487622969206862_n.jpg?oh=f65bef4e850a348ea256f22a90fb1246&oe=55EF432E" />