The Valentines Day Team Drabble Challenge - FOUR!

Feb 06, 2018 14:39

Four more drabbles written for the
spn_bigpretzel Valentines Day Team Drabble Challenge - with the theme "write about characters' love for inanimate objects or non-human/non-sentient beings".

Title: The Jukebox
Characters: Jo - and Dean, sort of!
Rating: pg
Word Count: 100
Summary: Jo loves the Roadhouse.

Jo loved the old Roadhouse that she called home. It was tatty, in desperate need of a new roof and a paint job. It smelt of beer and unwashed hunters. It was rough and totally unfeminine, no pretty curtains or doilies on the tables. She loved the pool table and dart board - she’d earned a small fortune from hunters thinking they could actually beat her.

Most of all she loved the big old Juke Box and never grew tired of the songs on it. She sauntered over to it now, knowing Dean was watching her, and chose her favourite song.

Title: The Bracelet
Characters: Lisa - and Dean, sort of!
Rating: pg
Word Count: 100
Summary: Lisa can't remember who gave her the charm bracelet, but she knows it's important.

Lisa ran the silver charm bracelet through her fingers before putting it on. It was beautiful, with pentagrams, crosses, angel wings, a St Christopher’s and some other things Lisa didn’t recognise, but she knew they were all for protection. She didn’t even remember why she needed protection, or who had given the bracelet to her, she just knew it was important.

She put it on and sighed. It always made her feel safe, but it made her feel melancholy, too. It brought back the feelings she often had, feelings that she was missing something or someone.

Someone with green eyes.

Title: AC/DC Rules!
Characters: Ben
Rating: pg
Word Count: 100
Summary: Ben doesn't care if people think his CD collection isn't cool..

Ben’s CD collection is kept in his bedroom. If he finds someone on the same wavelength as him, he plays his CD’s with them - some AC/DC, Led Zep or Metallica. Some people had laughed and asked why he didn’t have an iPad instead of an old CD player.

Ben has an iPad, but he prefers having something to hold, to be able to see the artwork and photos on the cover, to be able to read the tracklist and notes. Ben loves to have the music fill his room and not just his headphones. His mom isn’t so keen!

Title: Mr Fizzles Is The Best
Characters: Garth
Rating: pg
Word Count: 100
Summary: It's just as well Garth has several Mr Fizzles.

Garth smiled as Lucy seriously told Mr Fizzles that she loved him more’n anything in the wholed-wide-world and hugged him tightly. She’d been traumatised after seeing her parents attacked by the angry ghost of a previous occupier of their new house.

Sometimes Garth used Mr Fizzles to get information from children, as they preferred to talk to a sock puppet than a grown-up. Sometimes he used Mr Fizzles to make a frightened child smile.

And it was lucky that he had more than one Mr Fizzles, as there was no way Lucy was letting go of her new best friend.

rating: pg, lisa, author:jj1564, dean, team bobbys pedicures, fic: gen, garth, valentines day drabble challenge, drabbles, jo, ben

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