The Valentines Day Team Drabble Challenge - Two

Feb 06, 2018 10:07

Title: Better Than
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Character: Castiel and Dean
Summary: Burgers compared to sex.
Prompt: spn_bigpretzel spn_bigpretzel Valentine’s Day Drabble Challenge


The sound can be heard throughout the kitchen.

Dean turns in the general direction to find Cas sitting at the kitchen table, burger in hand.

“What? What are you doing, eating? Since when?”

Cas looks up at him, mouth full of his last bite, he chews and swallows, then grabs for Dean’s beer.

Dean’s quicker. “I don’t think so.”

“Dean, this is so good.” Cas pauses to take another bite. “Better than candy. Better than sex!”

Dean rolls his eyes before making a comment. “Then you haven’t doing it right if you think a burger is better than sex!”

Title: Learning The Game
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Character: Mary Winchester
Summary: A friendly game between family.
Prompt: spn_bigpretzel spn_bigpretzel Valentine’s Day Drabble Challenge

Who knew a phone could be used for more than just a phone call?

It’s been a challenge but she’s been up for it. She’s won a couple of times.

Lost more times than she can count.

But, she still loves it when she gets the hang of the game.

It took her awhile to understand the concept, like most things in her new existence. Reconciling the old with the new hasn’t been easy.

So, take that, Dean!

Beat this word, sucker!

She’ll make you regret teaching her Words with Friends.

She scores!

She wins!

She smiles, knowing Dean’s lost.

team deaths pizzas, mary, valentines day drabble challenge, dean

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