The Valentine Day Team Drabble Challenge - Two More

Feb 05, 2018 21:10

Title: Candy Crush
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Character: The Trickster/Gabriel
Summary: The Trickster in a candy store.
Prompt: spn_bigpretzel spn_bigpretzel Valentine’s Day Drabble Challenge

There was nothing better than candy. Okay, yes there really were other things that were probably better but not right now. Not when he was looking at everything in front of him.

He was the proverbial kid in a candy store. Because here he was standing in Sugarfina’s ogling all the sweet confections.

He rubbed his hands together as he looked from from chocolate covered nougat to chocolate dipped strawberries.

Where to start? The trickster thought to himself, realized he could have whatever he wanted. He didn't need to choose.

He closed his eyes and smiled. He was in Heaven.

Title: Love Thy Self?
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Character: Lucifer
Summary: Lucifer discovers something about himself.
Prompt: spn_bigpretzel spn_bigpretzel Valentine’s Day Drabble Challenge

He was a vain creature, he couldn’t deny that.

He was a fallen angel after all.

So what if he refused to love the humans above God?

He found love, just with himself.

Narcissus had nothing on him.

He had now found something else to love, it was unusual he had to admit, the love of creation.

He’d come to find this when his son had been created; his birth upset the balance of all the realms.

Now he understood his father’s love for those inept humans.

But, his love only encompassed a chosen few, not all of God’s creations.

team deaths pizzas, valentines day drabble challenge, lucifer

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