Valentines Day Team Drabble Challenge - Magpie

Feb 05, 2018 22:04

Title: Magpie
Rating: K+
Characters: Sam and Dean
Word Count: 100
Summary: It doesn't take much to make Dean happy ...
Disclaimer: I don't own them


Sam was starting to wish Mick hadn’t booked them into a three star hotel.

He’d already had to listen to Dean’s enthusiastic babbling about the gold-wrapped chocolate on the pillow, the little cherry-fragranced shampoo bottles in the bathroom, the hairdryer, the tea and coffee  sachets, and the frigging trouser press … apparently Dean’s fascination with the damn thing knew no bounds.

Currently Dean was parading around in the room’s fluffy white bathrobe, helping himself to anything not nailed down that would fit in his duffel.

Exccept, what was that Sam said about ‘not nailed down’?

“DEAN! Leave the trouser press alone!”



team deaths pizzas, author:dizzojay, valentines day drabble challenge, drabbles

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