Their First Time (4/6)

Sep 02, 2011 11:43

Title: Their First Time.
Categories: Dean/Sam > Overall Series.
Characters: Dean, Sam, Other.
Rated: NC-17.
Genres: Angst, Drama, Established Relationship, First Time, Hurt & Comfort, Romance.
Warnings: Abuse, Rape/ Non-con.
Beta'd by: deansgirl84
Series: None.
Chapters: 6.
Completed: Yes.
Word count: 10850.
Summary: One night after their regular hunt, Sam accidentally witnesses his brother, Dean, releaving himself, but one thing he cannot understand that his brother said his name while getting off. Will Sam be able to forget it or will the thing that Dean did lead them to a new kind of relationship between the brothers?

Chapter 4 - Don't Leave Me

It’s almost 2 weeks later that Dean is leaving the motel where they’re staying. He’s leaving because he can’t face Sam again. And Sam can’t deny that he misses Dean so badly. He keeps thinking of why he lives such a miserable life. Born in a hunter family, his mother died in an unnatural way years before he went to college and got a nice girlfriend; but everything seemed to turn upside down. His girlfriend died because a demon was after him without his knowledge, his father is missing, and the worst, now his own brother is fucking horny for him.

As much as he thinks about Dean, the more he doesn’t understand. He knows his big brother, he thinks; he knows that Dean loves to eat, sleep and screw girls. GIRLS!! He repeats in his mind. And he’s not a girl!

Why Dean? Why? I often saw you make out and heard you having sex with many girls but why now do you turn to me? Are you bored with chicks? Are you bored being straight? And you turn to me now? Give me a break!

Sam blushes when he remembers that Dean made out with him two weeks ago. He doesn’t know how to describe it. He was scared, of course. But besides being scared, there was a little part of him that went crazy with Dean’s touches and kisses. When Dean sucked his finger hard, what Sam thought it would feel like to have Dean suck his dick. Honestly, it had really turned him on. But he’s his brother and they’re not supposed to do that. Having a sexual relationship with your own brother? Incest? HELL NO!!!

But after what Dean did to him that day, he knows for sure that his heart is empty without Dean around.

Fuck Dean, where are you now?

Meanwhile, Dean ends up in a cheap bar, drinking more than he ever had before, thinking in his drunkenness, how he could be so stupid to lose control and attack his own brother. Make Sam get hurt. His heart aches, regretting that day so damn much…


“Mmmhhh… harder, Dean… Ohhh….”

Sam moans in pleasure as Dean sucks his cock and jerks him off. How his brother licks his long, hard shaft and plays with his cock head with his teeth, making him get so close to cumming.

“Dean, I wanna cum …”

Dean looks at him full of lust.

“Cum in my mouth baby, I wanna feel you jizz me up, come on!”

Sam’s body trembles when he feels his cock want to explode its hot cum, but suddenly he feels something knock him in the head, hard. He opens his eyes and realizes that he just fell off of the bed. He lazily crawls up to his bed again. And when he tries to sleep again, a memory snaps into his mind. It’s a dream that he just had. A dream about him and Dean… He quickly sits up in his bed, breathing heavily.

What the hell? What kind of dream was that?

Sam feels his face getting hot as he touches his crotch and finds that it’s wet. He came in his dream, with ‘Dean’s help’, indirectly. Sam starts to fear himself; scared to admit that he’s starting to think twice about Dean. About Dean’s sexual orientation to wards him. Scared to admit that he starts to think that he wants to feel Dean touches again; just like in his dream.

“I must be fuckin’ crazy,” Sam growls.


Sam takes a quick detour that day. Takes a walk around the city alone. Eats at the fast-food restaurant, buying some necessities and getting some fresh air outside of the motel. His head is still full of thoughts about Dean. Sam keeps wondering where his brother now; why he abandoned him like this? What he should do now? Go back to his old ‘perfect’ life? Nah, he’s got no one now. He only has Dean.

And when the sun is setting, Sam takes the bus to go back to the motel again; back to the loneliness again.

Sam opens the door with his motel key and steps in without knowing that something is going to happen to him. Right after he closes the door, someone hits his head and everything goes black.

Dean drives his car to nowhere in particular. He can’t stop thinking about Sam. How his heart hurts because he misses him so fucking much. And when he realizes he’s already driven in front of the motel that he had left Sam, he finally pulls into the lot.

When Sam opens his eyes, he’s tied up in a chair and he sees there are 3 men with him. They ruined his motel room. And now they’re eating the food he just bought.

“Hey, he’s awake!” one of them tells the others.

All of them then surround Sam. They all look no older than him.

“Hello there sweet heart; I believe you have something that we can sell to get some money, don’t you?”

They are robbers. Scumbags; Sam exhales.

Great! Could my life be any worse right now? He shouts in his head.

Sam gets hit on the head because he’s not answering their question.

“Hey, are you deaf?!”

“No, I’m not!” Sam answers angrily.

“Then, why aren’t you answering?”

Although they’re pushing him to speak, Sam surely will never tell where he keeps his laptop. But then one of them shouts cheerfully from the bathroom. Sam’s heart starts beating fast.

No, he couldn’t find my laptop! Sam says worriedly in his head.

Sadly for Sam, that man steps up from the bathroom bringing Sam’s laptop with him.

How could he find it?! Sam yells in his mind.

The two other men check out the thing that their friend just found.

“Hmm, a laptop… I think this will get us some money. Do you have other thing than this laptop?”

“Screw you! Don’t you dare to take my laptop!” Sam really gets angry.


Outside, Dean doesn’t know what’s happening to Sam. He wants to leave right away, but he sees that the light is still on. Sam is still awake, he thinks. Sam is probably playing with his dearest laptop now. Dean chuckles, remembering how Sam got so angry every time he ate something while borrowing his laptop.

Oh God, I miss those happy moments so much… Dean cries in his head.


Meanwhile, inside, Sam is getting beat up because of what he just said.

“We asked you politely, you dumbass!”

“Let’s go, I don’t think this poor man has anything other than his precious laptop…”

“Yeah, of course, because if he’s rich, he’d never stay in a cheap motel like this!”

Sam’s nose is bleeding, all of his face surely gonna show many bruises by the next morning. He glares at all of them, “If you think so, you smartass, then tell me who’s the idiot one that planned to rob a cheap motel like this and expect to find something expensive to sell, huh?”

“What an asshole!” One of the robbers kicks Sam’s chair and makes Sam fall to the floor.

Dean is ready to leave that motel when suddenly, he feels something’s wrong with Sam. He senses Sam is in trouble. He doubts his own feeling s because he’s afraid that it ’s only because he misses his brother so much.


Then the one that seems to be the leader of the robbers steps up closer to Sam and points his gun at Sam’s head.

“Listen to me carefully now; never dare tell the police or else we’ll come back to find you and finish you off, understand?”

“Go to hell!” Sam screamed, pissed.

The man hits Sam’s head with the gun in his hand. Sam screams in pain.


Dean quickly runs from his car after he hears Sam’s screams. He’s absolutely sure now that his brother is in trouble. On the way to the room, he passes three men carrying a laptop. Dean doesn’t notice that it is Sam’s laptop. He’s so surprised when he opens the door and sees the mess and Sam on the floor, tied to a chair. He runs to help Sam. His eyes widen as he sees Sam’s face.

“Sam, Sammy, who did this to you?” Dean asks worriedly.

Sam thinks that he’s dreaming that Dean is there.

“Dean…” Sam calls with a weak voice and then he smiles. “You finally came back, man…”

Dean unties Sam and takes a look at his brother’s face. Anger fills him now.

“Sam, tell me, who’s this bastard? Who’s hurting you like this?” Dean’s voice rises a bit.

“The three men who just robbed me, Dean. And they took my laptop.” Sam’s voice tremble s as he almost cries.

“Three men?” Dean then remembers that he passed three men with a laptop on the way to this room.

“SON OF A BITCH!!! I’m gonna kill them, Sam. Wait here, I’ll be right back!” Dean is really filled with anger.

When he hears what Dean said, Sam then realizes he’s not dreaming. It’s really Dean, his brother. And when Dean almost walks out the door, Sam shouts as he tries to get on his feet.

“Dean, don’t go!”

Dean stops and turns his head.

“You know I have to, Sammy. I’ll never let any bastard that hurt my brother run away! I’ll rip them to pieces, I swear I will!”

Dean turns his head again and really wants to go after those bastards.

“No, Dean, please stay, I need you!” Sam begs him.

Dean is obviously surprised to hear that. He freezes in front of the door.


Dean finally does what Sam asks him to. He can’t refuse what Sam asks him to, not ever. He shuts the door and locks it.

Chapter 5

fic: wincest, spn, dean, sam

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