Their First Time (2/6)

Sep 02, 2011 11:27

Title: Their First Time.
Categories: Dean/Sam > Overall Series.
Characters: Dean, Sam, Other.
Rated: NC-17.
Genres: Angst, Drama, Established Relationship, First Time, Hurt & Comfort, Romance.
Warnings: Abuse, Rape/ Non-con.
Beta'd by: deansgirl84
Series: None.
Chapters: 6.
Completed: Yes.
Word count: 10850.
Summary: One night after their regular hunt, Sam accidentally witnesses his brother, Dean, releaving himself, but one thing he cannot understand that his brother said his name while getting off. Will Sam be able to forget it or will the thing that Dean did lead them to a new kind of relationship between the brothers?

Chapter 2 - Regret

(On the way to their hunting job, in the car)

Dean is curious because Sam is very quiet today. He doesn't even want to look at him.

"Come on, man! What's up? Why are you so quiet today?"

Sam just shakes his head as an answer. Dean's annoyed. He hit the brake suddenly and it makes Sam almost kiss the front window of the Impala .

"Damn it Dean, what's the matter with you?!"

Dean stares at him, "What's the matter with me, Sam? What's the matter with YOU?!"

"Me? Nothing!"

"Me? Nothing!" Dean repeats Sam's answer with an annoyed tone.

"Then why are you not talking to me and you won't even look at me! What is it, Sam? Tell me!"

Sam tries so hard not to blush as he turns his head to see his brother.

"Nothing, I'm alright dude, I just don't wanna talk, okay?"

Dean absolutely doesn't believe in his younger brother's answer but what can he say if Sam already said so. They arrive at some old building. It seems the place has been abandoned for years. Sam and Dean are after a thing that's being reported in the news lately as a serial killer; probably a ghoul. They researched in the police office that handles that case pretending to be FBI agents. As they saw the portraits of the victims’ bodies, they think the suspect is probably a ghoul. Dean is still curious about Sam.
"So, Sam what do you think?" Dean smiles at Sam.

"Well, just go in," Sam answers without looking at his brother’s face.

Dean growls, Sam, you’re making me crazy!

And then they start their hunt. They walk into the building. It’s dark as they enter it. Dean switches his flash light on, and Sam does the same too. They begin to search every room and find nothing. Everything looks clean, except for the dust. Dean always tries to make eye contact with Sam, but Sam always pretends he didn’t see it. He always gives his back to Dean and finally, Dean can’t hold it anymore.

"Okay, that’s it! Sam, talk to me!"

"About what?" Sam answers with a shrug, still giving his back to his brother.

Dean grabs Sam’s shoulder and turns his body to face him.

"Look, I don’t wanna continue this hunt if you don’t tell what your problem with me is, Sam! Tell me why you keep ignoring me?"

Sam’s eyes were looking at Dean’s lips and he almost blushed again. Then he throws his look to another place.

"No, nothing, I don’t have any problem with you, Dean."

"Oh yeah? And why don’t you look into my eyes and say it again?"

As Sam turns his eyes to Dean, he sees that suddenly Dean’s eyes widen and his brother screams, "Sam, watch out!"

Sam feels his body being pushed aside and he sees Dean being hit by someone (or something). Dean collapses to the ground.


Sam looks at the man that just hit his brother’s head and he realizes that it’s the ghoul! The ghoul appears as the last victim he ate, the victim that Dean and Sam saw in the police station. Sam quickly grabs his knife and stands up. He fights the ghoul, got a couple of hits but he wins. Sam carries Dean to the car and drives back to the motel after he burns the thing’s body. Sam places his brother on the bed and checks his head. There’s a little bump on Dean’s head , but nothing serious; Sam’s glad.
But then the guilty feeling hits him. Dean got hurt because of him. If only he acted like usual, not ignoring his brother, this accident would never have happened. They could have banished that ghoul together without any of them getting knocked down. Sam wipes his brother face and change Dean’s clothes that full of dirt. He also takes care of Dean’s head.

"I’m so sorry, Dean ."

Sam sits on the edge of his bed, still watching over Dean with a bottle of beer in his hand. His heart is still overwhelmed by the guilty feeling.

"Damn it Dean! Why didn’t you let that thing hit me? I have been such a bitch to you today!"

Dean still doesn’t wake up until the night comes. Meanwhile, Sam has already drunk 7 bottles of beer. He really feels guilty about Dean and he breaks down in tears. He’s standing in front of the window and sobbing. And suddenly Dean regains his consciousness; he has such a great headache.

"Akh, dammit!" Dean curses.

He checks his head and finds no blood; he just feels a little bump there. And then he remembers what happened before everything went black.

"Oh my God, Sammy!"

He calls his younger brother’s name as he turns his head and sees that Sam is standing in front of the window. He feels very glad to see that Sam is okay, but then he hears Sam’s sobs. He quickly runs to him and turns Sam’s body to face him. Dean’s worried and seeing Sam in tears really breaks his heart.

"What’s the matter Sam? Are you hurt? Tell me where that ghoul is and I promise you, I’ll rip him to pieces!"

Sam looks at Dean’s eyes with teary eyes, smiles at him and then hugs him.

"Finally, you’re awake man. Oh thank God!"

Dean could smell the beer from Sam’s breath and he realizes that his brother is drunk.

"Dude, are you drunk?"

Sam shakes his head, "Nah.. I’m sober, I’m a hundred percent sober, brother…"

Dean sees all of the empty bottles of beer on the table. He pulls himself from Sam’s hug and pushes him away. Sam’s heart is broken. He tries to reach Dean with his unstable drunk steps.

"What’s up Dean? Are you still mad at me?" Sam asks with a sad tone.

He almost falls but Dean catches him. But unfortunately, they fall because Sam is heavier than Dean.

"Man!" Sam and Dean growl at the same time.

Sam’s head is now on Dean’s lap.

"Mad at you? Never man! I just wanna know why are you drunk," Dean answers.

Sam looks Dean in the eyes. "I’m guilty Dean. I’m the one who made you get hurt!", he sobs.

Dean wipes his tears away. "You’re not, Sam, you’re not! I don’t care what happens to me, as long as I can protect you! Protect my baby brother," Dean chuckles.

"Baby?!" Sam hits Dean’s chest as a sign of protest. "I’m a grown up now, Dean! I’m not a baby anymore and you can stop protecting me. I can protect myself now, dude!"

"Yeah, you do," Dean smiles.

"Yeah I do, Dean… I do now. But I just want you to know that I thank God that I have such a loving brother like you. You always protect me, Dean. Thank you man, thank you. And I love you Dean."

"I love you too, Sammy. And please stop being such a girl would you?" Dean laughs.

Sam already fell to sleep before he heard Dean’s answer. Dean shakes his head, "Baby…"

He takes a closer look at his younger brother's face, wipes all the tears that still remain on Sam’s cheeks. But suddenly his attention gets distract. His heart races as he sees Sam’s parted lips. He rubs them gently with his thumb and feels the electricity hit his body. He bends his head down to kiss him. A gentle touch at first and then he’s lost. Dean can't hold his feeling any longer. He starts kissing Sam’s lips hungrily, tongue slipping between Sam's lips to meet Sam’s tongue. He moans in Sam’s mouth as he finds that his brother’s lips taste so sweet, even with the smell of beer. He really wants to feel Sam passionately kiss him just like what he’s doing right now. Dean’s hand starts caressing Sam’s face and hair, going down to his neck, followed by his kisses. He bites and sucks Sam’s neck hard and his hand caresses Sam’s board chest. He gasps when suddenly he hears Sam moan in his sleep. Dean really wants to wake his brother up and ask him to make love because he’s really turned on now; but what if Sam refuses him? And what if it gets worse? What if Sam hates him and decides to go? He absolutely doesn’t want that to happen. He finally stops and carry Sam to the bed and cover him with the blanket. He kisses Sam’s lips once more.

"Good night, Sammy."

Chapter 3

fic: wincest, spn, dean, sam

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