Their First Time (1/6)

Sep 02, 2011 10:55

Title: Their First Time.
Categories: Dean/Sam > Overall Series.
Characters: Dean, Sam, Other.
Rated: NC-17.
Genres: Angst, Drama, Established Relationship, First Time, Hurt & Comfort, Romance.
Warnings: Abuse, Rape/ Non-con.
Beta'd by: deansgirl84
Series: None.
Chapters: 6.
Completed: Yes.
Word count: 10850.
Summary: One night after their regular hunt, Sam accidentally witnesses his brother, Dean, releaving himself, but one thing he cannot understand that his brother said his name while getting off. Will Sam be able to forget it or will the thing that Dean did lead them to a new kind of relationship between the brothers?

Author's Note:
Everyone has their first time for everything. Well, maybe this isn’t the first time I wrote a story, but this is my first time to write an adult story like this, especially Wincest. And this is also Sam’s and Dean’s first time… Hope you enjoy reading it! Like to know your comments too… Thanks!

(PS. FYI: This was my very very first wincest story before my other published fic... Thanks a billion times for my wonderful beta-reader, deansgirl84, thanks 4 the awesome job, hugs!!!)

Chapter 1 - One Restless Night

Dean sees Sam tossing and turning and curled in his sleep, then he decides to wake him up.

"Dude, wake up..!"

Sam got up suddenly, almost jumping from his bed.

"What's the matter? Another nightmare?" Dean asks, worried.

Sam nods, there's sweat all over his body.

"Get changed , Sammy. You’re wet! You may catch a cold, with that shirt."

Sam does what his brother tells him. Then, when he tries to sleep again, he can't. He still remembers about his nightmare. Dean can see his little brother’s anxiety. Then he moves to Sam's bed and lies beside him. Sam gets confused.

"Dude, what are you doin'?"

Dean smiles, "Don't be shy Sammy, I know you can't sleep because of the nightmare you just had before…"

"Then ...what do you think you're doin' in my bed?"

Dean took him by surprise when he pulled his head and placed it on his chest. The reason is because it was what he did when Sammy was still a boy and had nightmares. He was the only one who could make his brother feel safe and get him back to sleep.

"Dean, I'm not a boy anymore, I can handle this," Sam yells as he tries to get out from his brother's hug. But, Dean holds him tight enough so he can't get away.

"For old times sake, Sam. For old times sake.."

"Come on, Dean, let me go."

"Just shut up, Sam and get back to sleep! I don't want you messing up tomorrow on our hunt because of your lack of sleep!"

Sam gives up; Dean is stronger than him, sometimes. Although he feels annoyed with Dean, he finally tries to sleep again. He hates to admit that being there in his brother's hug makes him feel safe. And Dean’s heartbeats are like a lullaby for him, making him feel at peace. 5 minutes later, Sam's already back to sleep. Peacefully.

"Sam ?" Dean is glad there's no answer from his little brother, letting him know Sam is already sleeping again.

"Good boy, Sammy."

He yawns then falls asleep too, still hugging Sam's head on his chest.


When morning comes, Sam is the one who wakes first. Nothing's changed , Sam's head is still on Dean's chest. But this time on Dean's bare chest, Sam's surprised . He jumps from his bed because he’s afraid of knowing something. Dean wakes too because of the noise from Sam's jump. He grabs his gun from under the pillow and stands up immediately.

"What is it, Sam? Demon? Where?"

By seeing his brother stand up, Sam is a hundred percent sure that what he’s afraid of is true…

He shakes his head, "No, nothing, there's no demon."

"Then what the fuck, Sam? Why did you make me get up by surprise?!"

"I'm the one who should ask that question to you, Dean!"


"Why did you sleep in my bed NAKED? Don't you have a shirt to wear?"

Dean exhales, " You've always known , Sam, that I wear NOTHING when I sleep! Why did you ask about that now?!"

Sam stares at his brother, "I know, but yesterday you slept in my bed Dean, WITH me!"

"So..? What's the problem? We've seen each other naked since we were kids, what's wrong with it now?"

"Don't you understand, Dean? We're grown up now! What if somebody catches us like that?"

Dean then starts to laugh, "You mean that what if somebody catches our gay porn act?"

Sam's pissed, "Whatever.."

They ended that conversation and got ready for the hunt.


"What a day!" Sam lies on his bed, ready to get some sleep from a tiring day of hunting.

Dean chuckles, "Tsk, sissy boy..."

Sam ignores what his brother said about him and quickly turns into a deep sleep.

Later, in the middle of the night, Sam wakes from strange sounds he hears.

"Ngh… ngh…. Ahhh.. Ahhhhhhhhhh…."

He slowly opens his eyes a little to see what’s happening. As he hears someone calling his name in a husky voice, he freezes. He can't believe what he sees. Dean is jerking off.

"Yeah, Sam... Sammy, there... Suck my dick... Yeah... Oh yes... Mmhhh... Aaahhhhh... Oh Sam, baby, I wanna cum… Need to cum… oww, fuuuck!!!"

Dean cums, spurting his seeds on his belly. Sam quickly closes his eyes again and turns his head away. His heart is pounding hard in his chest. He still can't believe what he just saw… Dean jerked off and came, screaming his NAME! Then a soft touch on his face makes him almost gasp. It’s Dean, he knows for sure. And a light kiss on his lips makes his heart stop beating for a moment.

What the fuck? He kissed me?! Sam screams in his mind.

"I love you, Sammy.. I always did and I always will.."


Sam can't go back to sleep, until the morning arrives. His head is dizzy; he keeps seeing the image of Dean jerking his own cock. He keeps asking in his mind,

What the hell was he thinking? Jerking his cock while saying my name, kissing my lips and saying that he loves me?!

Sam gives up and opens his eyes. He can’t pretend to be sleeping anymore. He sits on his bed and turns his head to Dean’s bed, where his older brother is sleeping naked. The blanket is off of Dean’s body and Sam can see his hard cock. Nature calls for every man; morning wood.

Look at his body... He's gorgeously HOT… SEXY… His handsome face… His full lips… His strong arms… His broad chest… His six-packs abs… His nice and muscular legs… His… His… His big cock…

Sam blinks his eyes and shakes his head as he shouts inside his mind,

Aaaarrrrrrgggggghhhhhhh!!!! What the HELL am I thinking??!!!

He gets up and takes a shower to clean up his mind from what he saw last night. And Dean wakes up as he hears the water sound from the bathroom. When Sam gets out from the bathroom, he sees Dean is sitting at the edge of the bed and smiling at him.

"You woke up early, Sammy…"

Sam blushes as he sees Dean smile at him; he remembers those lips touched his last night. Dean stares at him curiously.

"What is it man? Why are you blushing?"


"Yeah, sure… Tell me Sam, don’t be shy!"

Sam stares at Dean in return.

"I saw what you did last night and I know you kissed me!" He really wants to say that to Dean, but he doesn’t dare. He doesn’t dare to know Dean’s reaction if he says it.

"You just had a wet dream didn’t you, Sam?", Dean start laughing.

Sam's face gets red. He remembers Dean jerking off last night, moaning his name.

"Sam? Am I right?" Dean chuckles.

Sam turns his body and gets inside the bathroom again, slams the door behind him, hard. Dean's surprised.

"Sammy, it’s okay man! It’s normal! And please get out now, it’s my turn to use the bathroom…"

It’s not normal, Dean… Fuck you, it’s not fucking normal!!! Sam shouts in his head.

Chapter 2

fic: wincest, spn, dean, sam

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