2010 in Fannish Review

Feb 15, 2011 13:21

Tis well-past the season for the year in review, so here we go.

My fandom hijinks in 2010

So yeah, 2010 was a bit consumed by my new fandom, aka pregnancy and motherhood, which consumed pretty much all of my brain, energy and time, as creating and then keeping a tiny human alive is hard work, yo.

In actual media fandom effort, Debrief is still going strong (over 800 watching) heading into its 5th (OMG!!!) year, proving SG-1 fandom on livejournal is still very active. As always, it could not exist without the loyalty and hard work of the staff - my co-mods surreallis and poohmusings and blue-meridian, the Debrief tagging crew: blue-meridian, poohmusings, annerbhp, sg-fignewton, and the issue editors: stargazercmc, holdouttrout, beanpot, annienau08 and ultranos-fic.
Fic-wise, well, again, baby human. I did manage to finish a story that had been lurking for some time, and tossed a drabble in the mix, too.

Old Habits. SG-1/Iron Man movie. Vala/Tony. R. 3000 words. Posted 12/6/10. Tony hasn't quite got the hang of this superhero thing yet... Post IM2, S10ish SG-1. Largely amonitrate's fault. Thanks to holdouttrout and besydfor beta brilliance. . (This is a completion from last year's in-progress list.)

"Paris is lovely this time of year" - Nate and Sophie. G.
For the drabble meme I posted a while back, dremiel requested Leverage, Nate and Sophie pre-show.

I'm skipping the writerly naval gazing this year, since there isn't much to gaze upon, but I recently dug back into my WIP folder from my early days in SG-1 fandom, and got all nostalgic, so 2011 may be a return to my Sam/Jack roots, as I clean up and finish some stuff that was pretty close to done.

Years Past:
2009 fannish review
2008 fannish review
2007 fannish review
2006 fannish review
2005 fannish review
2004 fannish review
2003 fannish review

writing_fanwriting, fic_annual-review, fandom_annual-review

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