
Apr 14, 2009 09:11

This morning I dragged myself out of sleep with the thought of a walk in the woods with an appreciative puppy. What could be better on a sunny spring morning than sunshine, budding trees and the boundless joy of a canine companion. When I opened my eyes, I realized the bedroom door was still shut. Odd, Dargo usually noses his way into the bedroom long before I rise. I padded around the house, looking for him in all the usual spots: the hall rug, wedged between the couch and the coffee table, in the sunny spot underneath the sliding glass door. And then I realize... today he's at the groomers getting fluffed and folded. There was a moment of sadness when I realized that I wasn't going to be taking him out to the woods. But this was followed by a moment of amazement when I realized that I hadn't immediately jumped to dire thoughts: no worries that he had run away or been taken or died. Just a normal level of confusion wondering where the dog is and then disappointment that I wasn't going to get him out into the woods this morning.

This is especially poignant given that last night I had my first crying jag in a long time, probably since last October. Tracey has been very nauseous and we're concerned about her and the baby continuing to gain wait. We spent the morning with the doctors discussing options and then I spent the rest of the day running around while she slept and tried to keep down the few bites she could eat. That night as I was hauling in the groceries my tired and scared intersected and the tears just started. I spent a few minutes cuddling the puppy, which is always good. Then I went downstairs to visit iresprite where we talked about things important and inane and then watched a little Wooster and Jeeves. It seemed just what I needed. We'll that and running from the room in terror at the metion of watching

living with the past, body, mood, mother nature, friends, dargo, the miracle of life

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