Fic [Supernatural] Trick 'r Treat

Nov 02, 2010 17:48

Title: [Supernatural] Trick ‘r Treat
Character(s)/Pairing: Dean, Sam
Type/Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 729 (plus 168 for part 2, written for deviltrap ;))
Summary: Best Halloween party ever!
Notes: Written for spnland, Challenge “Epitaph”
WIN! First place, plus extra category "Most likely to make me sleep with the lights on" and "So creepy it sent shivers down my spine"!

“…the kids go in, but they never come back out.” Dean closed his explanation about their current case.

He stopped the Impala in front of a small house and the engine’s sound died in the night. It was dead quiet around them.

“You sure that’s the right address? It looks so ordinary,” Sam observed.

Then, a lightning enlightened the night sky for a second.

Dean looked over to Sam, with a wry look on his face and said, “That’s exactly what someone says before this whole thing goes south.”

Inside, the house looked just as normal as from the outside. Sam had picked the lock with ease and there was no alarm system.

“It’s like the owner wants someone to break in.”

“Maybe that’s the whole point,” Dean said and stepped into the kitchen.

A meal had been cooked and everything was set on the table. The smell of fresh popcorn and self-made candy still lingered in the air.

Suddenly, Sam and Dean both heard footsteps above their heads. Someone was in the house and walking on the first floor. Carefully, they took their weapons from their belts and slowly went up the stairs. A child’s laughter echoed through the walls and Sam and Dean both started to shiver when a cold wind came rushing through the house.

Halfway up the stairway, the Impala’s engine roared. Dean turned around.

“What the hell?”

After one last look up the stairs, and when there was still no one there to see, Dean jumped back down and opened the front door to see what was going on with his car. But to his surprise, there was nothing there when he looked out. No car, no other houses, no street. Just nothing.

“What the hell?” He said again and Sam stepped up behind him.

“What is it?” He asked, but before he could get a good look outside himself, the door closed on its own.

“Where would you like to sit?”

Dean and Sam both turned around, their guns raised and ready. A little girl in a light blue dress with a bow in her hair and a matching umbrella in her hand stood on the last stair and looked up to the boys. She seemed to be from another era and place, frozen in time.

“I asked, where would you like to sit?” And at the ending, her voice broke into a much darker one.

Sam and Dean shivered at the sound of her voice, but they kept it together. They were about to shoot a load of rock salt bullets into the spirit in front of them, when they saw a dozen others come down the stairs behind the little girl. All were dressed in Halloween costumes, matching their period of time where they came from.

One boy in an Indian costume stepped in front of the girl in the blue dress. He raised his bow and arrows and asked in a gentle voice, “Do you want to play?” But the smile that followed was anything but gentle.

After the first wave of surprise and shock, Dean and Sam raised their guns again, but they noticed they were unable to fire them. Their hands went numb and the weapons fell to the floor.

“What kind of costume are you wearing?” A little boy dressed as a pumpkin asked.

“Don’t be silly,” the girl said. “They aren’t wearing costumes. Yet.” She smiled a wicked smile.

Then, she jumped from the last stair, turned halfway around in the air and faced her friends now. “But first, let’s have some sweets!”

Excited, the children came down the stairway, screaming and laughing. They ran into the kitchen and each sat on a chair at the table, until only three seats remained empty.

The girl turned toward Dean and Sam again. “You, too.” She was still smiling and lead the way.

Like in a trance, Dean and Sam couldn’t but follow. They wanted to say something, but they found they couldn’t. They wanted to turn around and step out of this house, but they had not the will to do it.

Finally, they found themselves sitting at the table with the other children, a plate of sweets in front of them.

“You’re going to enjoy being here,” the girl announced. “It’s the best Halloween party ever! And you will stay here forever and ever and ever…”


They had almost given up hope to ever escape this madness, when suddenly, the house was bathed in a bright light and the door was ripped from it’s angles.

The little girl rushed to see who the intruder was; Dean and Sam would never see her again. They only heard a scream and then it was quiet again. It took a few moments for them to realize what had happened when he stepped into the kitchen.

“What costume are you wearing?” The little pumpkin asked again.

“I’m an angel.”

And suddenly, every spirit in the house vanished in a bright light.

“Cas, how did you…?” Dean started.

And when the last spirit was gone, Dean and Sam noticed that they could move again. No invisible force held them back anymore.

“You wanted to take me trick or treating, Dean. And when you did not show up, I knew something was wrong. I was right. You would not abandon free sweets.”

“You know him too well,” Sam said smiling.


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