Feb 11, 2004 21:42
damn if it ain't HOT! anyway, enough of that.
work makes me "so stressy" as my turkish buddy would say. i only have to be there an hour and already feel a tight little knot of worry in my tummy. i wish they would hire more staff. we just don't have enough people to do everything that needs to be done. still, i filled in my transfer today so hopefully i will be one of the lucky rats who manage to escape this sinking ship. soon only the brain damaged and the epsilon semi-morons who can't find a job anywhere else are going to be left. yay team Awesome.
hmmm. i need to think about something else now.
i have a little object which can only be described as a glow in the dark squishy skullhead snowglobe. i will give it to the person who leaves the best joke as a response to this entry. i'll even post it out to you if you live non-perth. hows that for value??? ps extra points for jokes so bad they're good.
my shit joke of the day:
a baby harp seal walks (oaky, kinda flops awkwardly like seals do on land) into a bar, and the bartender says "what'll you have?" and the baby harp seal says "anything but Canadian Club on the rocks".... :p